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Brian is on a mission to help millions of people learn how to live healthier, pain-free lives and achieve complete fitness. A frequent speaker at industry events, he presents, consults, and conducts training with corporations, organizations, and nonprofits on the topics of chronic pain, healthy living, and high-level performance. His clients include the Tony Robbins Companies, Bulletproof Radio, YPO, the Seattle Study Club, and the NFL. Brian has been studying “true” biomechanics and human anatomy using The Egoscue Method for more than 25 years. As the Posture-Pain-Performance coach and motivational speaker, he has spoken in more than 15 countries, promoting a myriad of healthy principles for achieving success in all areas of personal and professional life. Brian believes that real and lasting change can happen when we commit to health as a lifestyle. His postural training, fitness experience and engaging personality get people of all ages moving and digging deep to get their best results. Link to Exercises Found in the Podcast: Pain Free Book:

Brian Bradley

Hometown: San Diego County, California



Fun Fact: As the Posture-Pain-Performance coach and motivational speaker, Brian has spoken in more than 15 countries, promoting healthy principles for achieving success in all areas of personal and professional life.

Brian Bradley

Connect with Brian Bradley

Brian is on a mission to help millions of people learn how to live healthier, pain-free lives and achieve complete fitness. A frequent speaker at industry events, he presents, consults, and conducts training with corporations, organizations, and nonprofits on the topics of chronic pain, healthy living, and high-level performance. His clients include the Tony Robbins Companies, Bulletproof Radio, YPO, the Seattle Study Club, and the NFL.

Brian has been studying “true” biomechanics and human anatomy using The Egoscue Method for more than 25 years. As the Posture-Pain-Performance coach and motivational speaker, he has spoken in more than 15 countries, promoting a myriad of healthy principles for achieving success in all areas of personal and professional life. Brian believes that real and lasting change can happen when we commit to health as a lifestyle. His postural training, fitness experience and engaging personality get people of all ages moving and digging deep to get their best results.

Link to Exercises Found in the Podcast: 

Egoscue Inc.

More Resources from Brian Bradley

Pain Free With The Egoscue Method

Pain Management

Nov 29, 2023

Mike interviews Brian Bradley about the Egoscue Method.

How to Stop Your Pain - The Egoscue Method with Brian Bradle...


Nov 3, 2022

How to Stop Your Pain With the Egoscue Method (Featuring Brian Bradley)

How to Stop Your Pain With the Egoscue Method (Featuring Bri...


Aug 17, 2022

How to Stop Your Pain With the Egoscue Method (Featuring Brian Bradley)

Bob & Mike interview Brian ...

Fix Your Muscle Imbalances


Aug 17, 2022

Brian Bradley Demonstrates an Egoscue Method Evaluation on Mike to show how the method works.

2 Exercises to Stop Low Back Pain


Aug 17, 2022

Brian Bradley Demonstrates 2 Back Pain Relief Exercises You Can Find in the Egoscue Method

Pain Relief? How Fast?


Aug 17, 2022

Brian Bradley discusses how fast the Egoscue Method can fix your pain.

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Stop Chronic Pain

Pain Free


Starting today, you don’t have to live in pain. That is the revolutionary message of the Egoscue Method, a breakthrough system for eliminating musculoskeletal pain without drugs, surgery, or expensive physical therapy. Developed by Pete Egoscue, an internationally renowned physiologist and injury consultant to some of the most successful performers in all walks of life, the Egoscue Method has helped millions of people with an astounding success rate of over 90 percent. The Method uses a series of gentle exercises and carefully constructed stretches called “E-cises” to teach the body to return to its natural, pain-free state. Inside, you’ll find detailed photographs and step-by-step instructions for dozens of E-cises specifically designed to provide quick and lasting relief of • joint discomfort, including back and neck pain; achy knees, hips, and shoulders; arthritis; and injured ankles. • muscle and soft-tissue problems, including rotator cuff injuries, tendinitis, and common foot ailments. • shooting pains, including sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome. • and much more, including headaches, vertigo, and fatigue. With this book, you’re on your way to regaining the greatest gift of all: a pain-free body!

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