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Rick Olderman is a sports and orthopedic physical therapist, personal trainer, Pilates instructor, Hanna Somatics practitioner, and speaker living in Denver, CO. In his clinic, Body in Balance Physical Therapy, all his therapists have been trained in the approaches found in his Fixing You books. Rick has been practicing physical therapy since 1996 and has attended hundreds of hours of seminars and clinics to create the Fixing You series ( CEU’s for PTs: If you purchase one of Rick's books from or do some CEUs through, you can get 20% off your order. Use code FIXINGYOU in the coupon code section.
Rick Olderman
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Specialization: Sports and orthopedic physical therapist
Publications: Solving the Pain Puzzle: Cases from 25 Years as a Physical Therapist, Fixing You Series
Fun Fact: Rick grew up on a farm in Ohio and traveled the world for several years before becoming a physical therapist.
Rick Olderman is a sports and orthopedic physical therapist, personal trainer, Pilates instructor, Hanna Somatics practitioner, and speaker living in Denver, CO. In his clinic, Body in Balance Physical Therapy, all his therapists have been trained in the approaches found in his Fixing You books. Rick has been practicing physical therapy since 1996 and has attended hundreds of hours of seminars and clinics to create the Fixing You series (
CEU’s for PTs:
If you purchase one of Rick's books from or do some CEUs through, you can get 20% off your order. Use code FIXINGYOU in the coupon code section.
Fixing You Method
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