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Ross Clifford is a UK Chartered Physiotherapist with 15 years of experience in the musculoskeletal field. He holds Bachelor's degrees in Sports Science and in Physiotherapy and a Master's degree in Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Studies. Ross has held positions in clinical and academic practice, including senior lecturer and program lead in Physiotherapy at the University of Lincoln. He currently works clinically in primary care where he utilizes his injection therapy and prescribing skills. Ross has a passion for human movement, and for sport and exercise. He has published work in physical activity and in the application of artificial intelligence and is co-author of Bulletproof Bodies: Bodyweight Exercise for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation.

Ross Clifford

Hometown: Lincoln, England

Specialization: Sports or musculoskeletal injuries

Publications: Build Your Own Bulletproof Body: Bodyweight Exercises for Strength, Resilience and Injury Prevention Build Your Own Bulletproof Body, Body Weight Basics: A Beginner's Guide to Resistance Exercise

Fun Fact: 

Ross Clifford

Connect with Ross Clifford

Ross Clifford is a UK Chartered Physiotherapist with 15 years of experience in the musculoskeletal field. He holds Bachelor's degrees in Sports Science and in Physiotherapy and a Master's degree in Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Studies.

Ross has held positions in clinical and academic practice, including senior lecturer and program lead in Physiotherapy at the University of Lincoln. He currently works clinically in primary care where he utilizes his injection therapy and prescribing skills.

Ross has a passion for human movement, and for sport and exercise. He has published work in physical activity and in the application of artificial intelligence and is co-author of Bulletproof Bodies: Bodyweight Exercise for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation.

More Resources from Ross Clifford

How to Bulletproof Your Knees

Physical Therapy

Jun 16, 2022

Bob & Mike interview Ross Clifford on how to bulletproof your knees. Ross Clifford is a UK-registere...

How to Bulletproof Your Hips

Physical Therapy

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Bob & Mike interview Ross Clifford on how to bulletproof your hips. Ross Clifford is a UK-registered...

Build Your Own Bulletproof Body With Ross Clifford

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Bob & Mike interview Ross Clifford on how to bulletproof your spine. Ross Clifford is a UK-register...

How to Bulletproof Your Shoulders

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Bob & Mike interview Ross Clifford on how to bulletproof your shoulders. Ross Clifford is a UK-regis...

Advantages of Body Weight Exercises

Physical Therapy

Jun 16, 2022

Bob & Mike interview Ross Clifford about bodyweight exercises. Ross Clifford is a UK-registered and ...

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Overcome Injury

Build Your Own Bulletproof Body: Bodyweight Exercises for Strength, Resilience and Injury Prevention


Build Your Own Bulletproof Body offers a challenging, stimulating and accessible program of bodyweight exercises to help you overcome those nagging sports or Musculo-skeletal injuries – from tennis elbow to low back pain to Achilles’ tendinitis. The suggested exercises can also be used to improve muscle strength, joint range-of-motion, and overall physical fitness. Whether you are a highly-tuned athlete looking to stay at the top of your game or a moderately active individual keen to overcome a recurring joint pain, this highly illustrated book offers a range of exercises to target specific body areas and types of injury. Most of the exercises and programs do not require specialist equipment or a gym membership, leaving you free to develop your physical resilience anywhere that suits you. This indispensable guide will also educate you on ‘need-to-know’ anatomy and pathology so that you better understand your own body and the stresses that maybe causing you pain and dysfunction.

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