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Dr. Stuart M. McGill is a professor emeritus, at the University of Waterloo, where he was a professor for 30 years. His laboratory and experimental research clinic investigated issues related to the causal mechanisms of back pain, how to rehabilitate back-pained people, and enhance both injury resilience and performance. His advice is often sought by governments, corporations, legal experts, medical groups, and elite athletes and teams from around the world.

Stuart McGill

Hometown: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Specialization: Spine biomechanics

Publications: Gift of Injury, Back Mechanic: The step-by-step McGill method to fix back pain, Ultimate back fitness and performance, Low back disorders: Evidence-based prevention and rehabilitation, in addition to 32 Book Chapters, 248 Refereed scientific/medical journal papers, 181 Refereed Conference papers, 32 Technical consulting reports, and 21 Editorials

Fun Fact: His patient list ranges from the general population to some of the world’s most elite athletes.

Stuart McGill

Connect with Stuart McGill

Dr. Stuart M. McGill is a professor emeritus, at the University of Waterloo, where he was a professor for 30 years. His laboratory and experimental research clinic investigated issues related to the causal mechanisms of back pain, how to rehabilitate back-pained people, and enhance both injury resilience and performance. His advice is often sought by governments, corporations, legal experts, medical groups, and elite athletes and teams from around the world.

University of Waterloo, Backfitpro Inc.

More Resources from Stuart McGill

How to Fix Your Back Pain with Dr. Stuart McGill- Podcast

Physical Therapy

Jul 26, 2023

In this episode, Dr. Stuart McGill discusses the cause of and solutions to back pain. He shares his ...

How to Fix Your Back Pain with Dr. Stuart McGill

Physical Therapy

Jul 26, 2023

In this video, Dr. Stuart McGill discusses the cause of and solutions to back pain. He shares his in...

#1 Back Pain Expert in the World! Dr. Stuart McGill

Physical Therapy

Jun 16, 2022

Bob interviews Dr. Stuart McGill.

#1 Back Pain Expert in the World! Dr. Stuart McGill

Physical Therapy

Jun 16, 2022

Bob interviews Dr. Stuart McGill.

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Fix Back Pain

The Back Mechanic


In an age where a seemingly endless amount of gimmicky back products are in circulation, a definitive guide to self-assessment and rehabilitation is more essential than ever. The Back Mechanic guides you through a self-assessment of your pain triggers, and then shows you how to avoid these roadblocks to recovery. Then effective exercises are coached in a step-by-step progressive plan. Spine expert, Prof. McGill used his 30 years of research findings and clinical investigations to create this evidence-based guide that has helped thousands reclaim their lives. This knowledge is now available to you in this richly illustrated book. You will become your own best Back Mechanic and advocate.

Products Recommended by Stuart McGill

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