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Health Questions

Our general rule of thumb on pain is, if it hurts, STOP doing it.

What if I am feeling pain with an exercise or stretch?

Shoot us a suggestion email and we will add it to our to-do list!

Can’t find a video that you’re looking for because we don’t seem to have one?

Go to our YouTube channel and  click on the magnifying glass that is located all the way to the right under Bob & Brad’s picture. You can type anything in this search function that you want to know about, and it will bring up all of our videos related to that subject.

How do you find a certain video on a specific topic?

Unfortunately, we cannot answer individual medical questions online, since each individual is unique. We try our best to give advice and tips on general health and wellness, but we do recommend that you see a healthcare professional in person for anything more in-depth. We can try to find you the best video we have made on a particular issue, if you’d like to email us at, but please remember, it will be a general video.

Have an individual medical question or looking for specific answers to your individual issue?

blue swoosh


Product Questions

Products purchased from "Our Store" have a 30-day money-back guarantee and a 1-year warranty on product defects, except for the Holy Cowabunga Cream. Unfortunately we do not accept returns on the Holy Cowabunga Cream for any reason in any time period. 

Bob & Brad massage products purchased on Amazon from sellers Meniva, Flige US, Loypa, and B&B US can be returned to Amazon up to 30 days after purchase, and a 1-year warranty on product defects. 

For questions email

What is your return policy?

You can find select Bob and Brad products at,, and

Are your products available anywhere other than Amazon?

This is a replacement ring for the attachment heads.

What is the rubber ring that comes with the massage gun?

Be sure to hold the power button until the massager turns on (about 6-8 seconds). You can also read through our article on troubleshooting for the massage guns.  For further assistance email or call +1(612) 567-3035

My massage gun won't charge.

Be sure to hold the power button until the massager turns on (about 6-8 seconds). You can also read through this article on troubleshooting our massage guns. For further assistance email or call +1(612) 567-3035

My massage gun won't turn on.

Do you have a product you would like us to promote or try out?

How do you install the Bob and Brad wall anchors?

Products should be listed in the video description underneath the video on YouTube, click “show more”. All of the products used in that particular video, will be in that list along with the link to find it.

Where can I find a product that was mentioned in one of your videos?

General Questions

We recommend McKenzie therapists. You can see if you can find one in your area with this link :

I am looking for a good therapist in my area.

Unfortunately, we are not currently taking new patients. We are collaborating with a wonderful PT who is doing Telehealth. If you are interested in more information his name is Rick Olderman MSPT

Do you do video therapy, or can we make an appointment with you?

We are located in Winona, MN.

Where are you located?

Email us your recommendation at

Do you have a recommendation?

Giveaway Questions

Shoot us an email at

Have another giveaway question not specified on this list?

Please contact us at

I have not received my prize after winning a giveaway. What should I do?

The winner(s) will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received throughout the promotion period. The random drawing will be conducted immediately after the promotion period.

How is the winner picked?

Shoot us an email at

Have another giveaway question not specified on this list?

Some of our giveaways are open to everyone worldwide. Please check the giveaway details to find out which ones. 

Are the giveaways open internationally?

Visit Scroll under today's giveaway and click Enter Here. Enter your full name and email address, then hit continue. This will give you one entry into the giveaway

How do I enter the giveaway?

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