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Mar 31, 2023


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Bob and Brad

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Bob and Brad TheraPanel 4-Head Massage Gun


Warm Up

*30 seconds of each

1. High knees

2. Straight leg kicks

3. Walk out plank


*20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest

*2 rounds, resting 1 minute in between rounds

1. Plank (on forearms)

2. Right side plank

3. Left side plank

*Same as pictures above

4. High plank

5. Mountain climbers

*Pull your knee towards your chest, alternating legs

6. Tabletop leg extensions

*Start on hands and knees, extend one leg out, lift and lower

*20 seconds per side

7. Scissor kicks

*Start with legs up towards the ceiling, keep both legs straight, lower leg towards the ground, alternating legs

8. Scissor kicks with arms added

*Start with arms and legs up towards the ceiling, lower opposite arm and leg towards the ground, alternating sides

This article is part of a series called Workouts with Jordan. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Jordan now has her own YouTube channel called Follow Along Fitness. Whether you’re a senior, a beginner, a pro, or even pregnant - there’s something for everyone!

Warm Up *30 seconds of each 1. High knees 2. Straight leg kicks 3. Walk out plank Workout *20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest *2...

10 Minute Ab Workout- No Equipment

10 Minute Ab Workout- No Equipment

10 Minute Ab Workout- No Equipment

Warm Up

*30 seconds of each

1. High knees

2. Straight leg kicks

3. Walk out plank


*20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest

*2 rounds, resting 1 minute in between rounds

1. Plank (on forearms)

2. Right side plank

3. Left side plank

*Same as pictures above

4. High plank

5. Mountain climbers

*Pull your knee towards your chest, alternating legs

6. Tabletop leg extensions

*Start on hands and knees, extend one leg out, lift and lower

*20 seconds per side

7. Scissor kicks

*Start with legs up towards the ceiling, keep both legs straight, lower leg towards the ground, alternating legs

8. Scissor kicks with arms added

*Start with arms and legs up towards the ceiling, lower opposite arm and leg towards the ground, alternating sides

This article is part of a series called Workouts with Jordan. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Jordan now has her own YouTube channel called Follow Along Fitness. Whether you’re a senior, a beginner, a pro, or even pregnant - there’s something for everyone!


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