1. Bird Dog Hold (20 sec/side)
2. Bird Dog (5/side)
*Extend opposite arm and leg out, hold for a few seconds, then switch sides, continue for 5/side
3. Bird Dog- Elbow to Knee (10/side)
4. Seated leg extensions (10/side)
*Alternating leg extensions
5. Deadbug (10/side)
6. Single leg hold (30 sec/side)
7. Scissor kicks (10/side)
*Alternate lowering your leg towards the ground; the further you lower your leg down, the more challenging the exercise
8. Bear crawl hold (20 sec x 3 sets)
9. Modified side plank (20 sec/side x 3 sets)
This article is part of a series called Workouts with Jordan. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here: https://www.bobandbrad.com/health-programs/workouts-with-jordan
Jordan now has her own YouTube channel called Follow Along Fitness. Whether you’re a senior, a beginner, a pro, or even pregnant - there’s something for everyone!