Equipment needed: 1 kettlebell
Warm Up (2 minutes)
*20 seconds of each
1. Jumping jacks
2. Squats
3. Reverse lunges
4. Mountain climbers
5. Hip hinges

6. Jumping jacks
*45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest
1. Goblet squats

2. Lawnmower row (22 sec/side)

3. Kettlebell swings

4. Single arm high pull (22 sec/side)

5. Reverse lunges (22 sec/side)

6. Bicep curls (22 sec) and Tricep extensions (22 sec)
Bicep Curls

Tricep Extensions

*Rest 1 minute
*Complete 2 more sets
This article is part of a series called Workouts with Jordan. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:
Jordan now has her own YouTube channel called Follow Along Fitness. Whether you’re a senior, a beginner, a pro, or even pregnant - there’s something for everyone!
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