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Jan 12, 2024


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Weak hips can result in having a strange and even painful walking pattern. Weak hips can also result in poor balance and falls.

1. Trouble getting out of a chair without multiple tries.

2. Have a positive Trendelenburg Sign. Face the wall and place your hands on it for stability. Raise your right leg and the left pelvis/hip should rise a small amount. If the right hip/pelvis falls it is due to weakness in the LEFT hip abductors. If the left hip/pelvis drops while supporting on the right leg it is due to weakness in the left hip abductors.

3. Leaning on the weak hip when walking. Although this may not make sense, when you have a weak hip the tendency is to excessively lean on that leg when walking. The hip muscles of that leg do not have to work as hard when you lean upon it.

4. Your knees are knock-kneed due to weakness at the hip. Weakness of the hip groups can cause your upper thighs to internally rotate and thus your knees tend toward knock-kneed.

5. You have poor balance. Weak hip muscle is one cause of poor walking and standing balance.

6. Have trouble going upstairs.

7. Trouble getting out of a car seat. If you have determined that your hips are weak, watch our video How to Strengthen a Painful Hip for exercise suggestions.

Check out the full Hip Pain Relief Program series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Weak hips can result in having a strange and even painful walking pattern. Weak hips can also result in poor balance and falls. 1....

7 Signs Your Hips Are Way Too Weak

7 Signs Your Hips Are Way Too Weak

7 Signs Your Hips Are Way Too Weak

Weak hips can result in having a strange and even painful walking pattern. Weak hips can also result in poor balance and falls.

1. Trouble getting out of a chair without multiple tries.

2. Have a positive Trendelenburg Sign. Face the wall and place your hands on it for stability. Raise your right leg and the left pelvis/hip should rise a small amount. If the right hip/pelvis falls it is due to weakness in the LEFT hip abductors. If the left hip/pelvis drops while supporting on the right leg it is due to weakness in the left hip abductors.

3. Leaning on the weak hip when walking. Although this may not make sense, when you have a weak hip the tendency is to excessively lean on that leg when walking. The hip muscles of that leg do not have to work as hard when you lean upon it.

4. Your knees are knock-kneed due to weakness at the hip. Weakness of the hip groups can cause your upper thighs to internally rotate and thus your knees tend toward knock-kneed.

5. You have poor balance. Weak hip muscle is one cause of poor walking and standing balance.

6. Have trouble going upstairs.

7. Trouble getting out of a car seat. If you have determined that your hips are weak, watch our video How to Strengthen a Painful Hip for exercise suggestions.

Check out the full Hip Pain Relief Program series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:


1 Comment

Christine Byrnes
Christine Byrnes
Jan 13, 2024

I think there is an error in step 2 -- If the left hip/pelvis drops while supporting on the right leg it is due to weakness in the left hip abductors. shouldn't this be right hip abductiors????

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