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* Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD *

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Thigh Muscles Stretch

To stretch your thigh muscles, find a flat surface like a table or countertop. Lie on your back and bring both knees toward your chest. Place a pillow under your head for comfort. Hold both knees with your hands to keep your back straight and relax your legs. Then, hold only your left knee with both hands. Slowly lower your right foot off the surface, bending your right knee at a 90-degree angle. Pull your left knee closer to your chest to avoid arching your back as you lower your right leg. You'll feel a stretch in your right upper thigh. Don't push too hard. If your knee hurts, move your right leg slightly to the side. Hold the stretch for 7–10 breaths.

Next, bring your right leg back up to your chest and hug both knees. This helps reset your back and pelvis. Repeat the stretch on your left side. Do this whole routine two times on each side, two to three times a day. As you get more flexible, you might be able to lower your leg further over time. Eventually, aim for your thigh to rest on the surface with your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. This stretch helps keep your thigh muscles flexible and reduces tightness.

Remember to stretch slowly and gently. Don't force your body into uncomfortable positions. If anything hurts, stop and try a different position. Regular stretching can help keep your muscles healthy and prevent injuries. So, make it a habit to stretch every day to stay flexible and strong.

For more in-depth guidance and additional exercises for treating lower body condintions, check out the comprehensive guide in the book "Top 3 Fix" today!

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