Equipment needed: Chair and mat
*If possible, complete this routine after a walk or workout so that you are fully warmed up*
Warm Up (2 minutes)
*30 seconds of each
1. Walk in place
2. Arm Circle forward and reverse
3. Knee raises
4. Neck circles
*Hold each stretch for 30 seconds per side
1. Neck stretch- Right and Left
2. Side stretch- R and L
3. Arm stretch across the chest- R and L
4. Tricep stretch- R and L
5. Standing quad stretch- R and L
6. Standing IT band stretch- R and L
7. Standing hamstring stretch- R and L
8. Shoulder stretch
9. Butterfly
10. Figure 4- R and L
11. Lying hamstring stretch- R and L
12. Knee pull- R and L
13. Quad stretch (laying on the side)- R and L
14. Seated hamstring stretch- R and L
15. Runner’s lunge- R and L
16. Cat/cow
17. Child’s pose
*Rest 1 minute
*Complete 2 more sets
This article is part of a series called Workouts with Jordan. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:
Jordan now has her own YouTube channel called Follow Along Fitness. Whether you’re a senior, a beginner, a pro, or even pregnant - there’s something for everyone!