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* Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD * Summer Sale Extra 10% off with code BOBRAD *

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Chest Stretch

Adding a chest stretch to your routine can help your body in many ways. To start, lie on your back with knees bent and arms by your sides, palms facing up. Slowly move your arms out to the sides, like making a snow angel, until you feel a gentle stretch in your chest, shoulders, and upper arms. Hold this for 30–60 seconds, making sure your lower back stays flat. As you get used to it, try stretching your arms even further and notice if one side feels tighter.

Once you're comfortable, try bringing your arms overhead, with your hands meeting in the middle. Keep your wrists and elbows touching the ground and your lower back flat. This not only stretches your chest and shoulders but also helps the muscles around your shoulders. Pay attention if one side feels different. For more of a challenge, you can use a foam roller under your back while stretching.

Remember to breathe and don't push yourself too hard. Doing this stretch often can make you more flexible, help you relax, and keep your muscles feeling good.

For more in-depth guidance and additional exercises, check out the comprehensive guide in the book "Top 3 Fix" today!

*This content was created with the help of AI.

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