When exercising with a painful hip you should not perform exercises that increase your hip pain. In addition, if they make the hip pain increase after you are finished with the exercise you should avoid that exercise. A small amount of discomfort is acceptable.
Exercises (without equipment):
1. Watch Jordan’s walking-in-place exercise programs.
2. Hook lying trunk rotations.

3. Marching in place.

4. Sidestepping.
5. Clamshells (on your back or side-lying)

6. Hip abduction.

7. Wall Slides (shallow) (avoid leaning too far forward which can occur with squats).

8. Gluteal pump (Gluteal pump on the stomach or hands and knees.)

Check out the full Hip Pain Relief Program series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here: https://www.bobandbrad.com/health-programs/hip-pain-relief-program