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Experience Relief with the All-Fours Rocking Stretch

Are you tired of back or hip pain slowing you down? Meet the All-Fours Rocking Stretch, a simple yet effective exercise to ease your discomfort. This stretch targets key muscles that often cause pain in your back, hips, or even down your leg. Best of all, it's easy to do and brings significant relief.

Here's how it works: Start on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Gently rock your hips back, sitting on your feet while keeping your hands on the ground. As you do this, imagine your shoulder blades moving upward towards the sky. You might even feel a stretch in your shoulders or lower back. Take a few deep breaths in this position, then return to the starting position. Repeat this movement 3 to 5 times.

But wait, there's more! You can take this stretch to the next level by adding a side bend. After sitting back on your heels, walk both hands to the left and hold for 3 breaths, then switch to the right side. If your pain is on one side, like the right, you may notice that side feels tighter. By targeting this tightness, you're one step closer to saying goodbye to that pesky pain.

So next time you're feeling achy, give the All-Fours Rocking Stretch a try. It's a small move with big benefits, helping you find relief and get back to doing what you love pain-free.

For more in-depth guidance and additional exercises, check out the comprehensive guide in the book "Top 3 Fix" today!

*This content was created with the help of AI.

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