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Oct 14, 2022


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Golfer's elbow

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Bob and Brad Q2 Pro Mini Massage Gun with Heat and Cold Head


What is medial epicondylitis? Medial epicondylitis is the medical term for golfer’s elbow. Tendons (thick structures that attach muscle to bone) attached to the medial epicondyle (a bone on the inside of your elbow - next to the elbow bone) develop microtears and inflammation often from overuse of the forearm muscles. These are the forearm muscles that assist in flexing the wrist (bending your wrist forward from the palm). They develop pain and swelling often due to overuse.


1. Cross-fiber friction massage to the medial epicondyle tendon. Use two fingertips side by side or one atop of another. The forearm should be supported by a table or pillow. Find the tender spot over the tendon and massage across the fibers deeply and vigorously. Try 30 to 60 seconds and if too tender try massage number 2 instead.

2. Place continuous pressure on the tendon with your fingertips or thumb and simultaneously flex the wrist 10x. It is ok to experience some pain, but the pain should not continue after you are done. If the pain does continue, perform massage number 3 and return to this massage in the future. If it feels ok, continue 4x per day (10 reps).

3. Massage the muscles of the forearm avoiding the tender spots.

4. Use of massage gun for cross-fiber massage and forearm massage.

One forearm stretch that may help: is forearm pronation/supination. How to tell if tight. Stand with your elbows bent to 90 degrees (right angle) at your side. Flip your palms up with both hands. Wrists should be nearly level on both sides. Now flip your palms down. Again, wrists should be nearly level. Compare sides. If one side or both sides is tight, perform the following stretch:

Bend your painful forearm to your chest. Use your opposite hand to stretch the forearm into pronation and then supination (palm toward you and away), (10x).

This video is part of a series of videos on how to treat your pain with self-massage. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Bob & Brad's Massage Guns

C2 Massage Gun (US), T2 Massage Gun, EM-19 Massage Gun, Q2 Mini Massage Gun (US), X6 PRO Massage Gun with Stainless Steel Head

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.

What is medial epicondylitis? Medial epicondylitis is the medical term for golfer’s elbow. Tendons (thick structures that attach muscle...

How to Heal Golfer’s Elbow with Self-Massage

How to Heal Golfer’s Elbow with Self-Massage

How to Heal Golfer’s Elbow with Self-Massage

What is medial epicondylitis? Medial epicondylitis is the medical term for golfer’s elbow. Tendons (thick structures that attach muscle to bone) attached to the medial epicondyle (a bone on the inside of your elbow - next to the elbow bone) develop microtears and inflammation often from overuse of the forearm muscles. These are the forearm muscles that assist in flexing the wrist (bending your wrist forward from the palm). They develop pain and swelling often due to overuse.


1. Cross-fiber friction massage to the medial epicondyle tendon. Use two fingertips side by side or one atop of another. The forearm should be supported by a table or pillow. Find the tender spot over the tendon and massage across the fibers deeply and vigorously. Try 30 to 60 seconds and if too tender try massage number 2 instead.

2. Place continuous pressure on the tendon with your fingertips or thumb and simultaneously flex the wrist 10x. It is ok to experience some pain, but the pain should not continue after you are done. If the pain does continue, perform massage number 3 and return to this massage in the future. If it feels ok, continue 4x per day (10 reps).

3. Massage the muscles of the forearm avoiding the tender spots.

4. Use of massage gun for cross-fiber massage and forearm massage.

One forearm stretch that may help: is forearm pronation/supination. How to tell if tight. Stand with your elbows bent to 90 degrees (right angle) at your side. Flip your palms up with both hands. Wrists should be nearly level on both sides. Now flip your palms down. Again, wrists should be nearly level. Compare sides. If one side or both sides is tight, perform the following stretch:

Bend your painful forearm to your chest. Use your opposite hand to stretch the forearm into pronation and then supination (palm toward you and away), (10x).

This video is part of a series of videos on how to treat your pain with self-massage. Check the full series of videos along with the downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Bob & Brad's Massage Guns

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.

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