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Jan 27, 2023


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The first thing we tell our patients is just because you have hip arthritis does not mean it is going to get progressively worse. Studies show that arthritis can remain stable and even slightly improve in some cases.

Before you consider hip surgery, you should attempt a conservative approach.

This includes:

• Physical therapy

• Proper exercises

• Pain medications

• Anti-inflammatory drugs or shots.

• Weight loss

If you have tried the conservative approach and still are experiencing the following issues, you may want to consider hip replacement surgery:

• It is difficult or painful for you to walk even with a cane or walker.

• If hip pain makes it hard to fall asleep or you find yourself waking up

because of the pain caused by your movements in the night.

• Your hip aches during and after exercise

• You are not as active or mobile as you want to be.

• Medication or the use of a cane is not providing you with enough relief.

• Your hip stiffens up after prolonged sitting.

• You feel grinding, clicking, or popping in your hip joint.

• You have difficulty getting in and out of chairs and cars.

• You have difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

• You have a decrease in hip motion bending, extending, and crossing your knees?

• You have difficulty getting in and out of the bathtub.

• You are tired all the time.

• You have put on or lost weight.

• You feel sad or hopeless due to hip pain.

Consider these additional points:

Most artificial hip joints will last for 10 to 20 years without loosening, depending on how much stress you place on them.

If you wait too long to have a hip replacement you may become medically unable to tolerate surgery. If you wait too long you may also lose a lot of strength, and endurance and may have a harder time returning to normal activities.

Most people will decide to have a hip replacement when they can no longer control their hip pain with medicine and other treatments. In addition, the pain is stopping them from performing daily activities.

The one-leg test: If you are unable to stand on your leg for longer than a minute (even with support such as a wall, countertop, or chair) your hip pain is significant.

Check out the full Hip Pain Relief Program series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

The first thing we tell our patients is just because you have hip arthritis does not mean it is going to get progressively worse. Studies...

Should You Have Hip Replacement Surgery? Maybe Not!

Should You Have Hip Replacement Surgery? Maybe Not!

Should You Have Hip Replacement Surgery? Maybe Not!

The first thing we tell our patients is just because you have hip arthritis does not mean it is going to get progressively worse. Studies show that arthritis can remain stable and even slightly improve in some cases.

Before you consider hip surgery, you should attempt a conservative approach.

This includes:

• Physical therapy

• Proper exercises

• Pain medications

• Anti-inflammatory drugs or shots.

• Weight loss

If you have tried the conservative approach and still are experiencing the following issues, you may want to consider hip replacement surgery:

• It is difficult or painful for you to walk even with a cane or walker.

• If hip pain makes it hard to fall asleep or you find yourself waking up

because of the pain caused by your movements in the night.

• Your hip aches during and after exercise

• You are not as active or mobile as you want to be.

• Medication or the use of a cane is not providing you with enough relief.

• Your hip stiffens up after prolonged sitting.

• You feel grinding, clicking, or popping in your hip joint.

• You have difficulty getting in and out of chairs and cars.

• You have difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

• You have a decrease in hip motion bending, extending, and crossing your knees?

• You have difficulty getting in and out of the bathtub.

• You are tired all the time.

• You have put on or lost weight.

• You feel sad or hopeless due to hip pain.

Consider these additional points:

Most artificial hip joints will last for 10 to 20 years without loosening, depending on how much stress you place on them.

If you wait too long to have a hip replacement you may become medically unable to tolerate surgery. If you wait too long you may also lose a lot of strength, and endurance and may have a harder time returning to normal activities.

Most people will decide to have a hip replacement when they can no longer control their hip pain with medicine and other treatments. In addition, the pain is stopping them from performing daily activities.

The one-leg test: If you are unable to stand on your leg for longer than a minute (even with support such as a wall, countertop, or chair) your hip pain is significant.

Check out the full Hip Pain Relief Program series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:


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