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Dec 22, 2023


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hip pain relief

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Avoid inactivity and avoid prolonged periods of little to no hip movement. In addition to your stretching exercises. Frequent hip movement is one of the best things you can do to decrease or control pain. Tips:

1. Do not remain in a prolonged stationary position (standing or sitting).

2. Set a cell phone alarm every 20 minutes to move.

3. Stand and walk during phone calls.

4. Have walking meetings.

5. Use a standing desk and alternate between standing, half sitting (on a high stool), and sitting (regular chair).

6. March in place (seated or standing).

7. Purposely park further away from your building to walk more.

8. On a couch or recliner- perform squats or marching during program breaks.

9. If unable to stand (in a meeting or on a plane) march in place, or rotate your legs back and forth.

10. Use steps or stairs instead of elevators or escalators.

11. Walk during lunch hour.

12. Buy a dog to take for a walk regularly.

Check out the full Hip Pain Relief Program series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Avoid inactivity and avoid prolonged periods of little to no hip movement. In addition to your stretching exercises. Frequent hip...

The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Hip Pain

The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Hip Pain

The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Hip Pain

Avoid inactivity and avoid prolonged periods of little to no hip movement. In addition to your stretching exercises. Frequent hip movement is one of the best things you can do to decrease or control pain. Tips:

1. Do not remain in a prolonged stationary position (standing or sitting).

2. Set a cell phone alarm every 20 minutes to move.

3. Stand and walk during phone calls.

4. Have walking meetings.

5. Use a standing desk and alternate between standing, half sitting (on a high stool), and sitting (regular chair).

6. March in place (seated or standing).

7. Purposely park further away from your building to walk more.

8. On a couch or recliner- perform squats or marching during program breaks.

9. If unable to stand (in a meeting or on a plane) march in place, or rotate your legs back and forth.

10. Use steps or stairs instead of elevators or escalators.

11. Walk during lunch hour.

12. Buy a dog to take for a walk regularly.

Check out the full Hip Pain Relief Program series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:


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