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Products that Can Help
Grip & forearm strengthener

Grip & forearm strengthener

Grip & forearm strengthener

Grip & forearm strengthener

Physical Therapy
Taught by
Sara Meeks
The back bone of health
In this 2nd video on The Meeks Method® for the Management of Osteoporosis, Sara Meeks presents the primary anatomical areas to be considered in the management of this condition. Although osteoporosis can affect any and all of the bones of the body, there are some that are more involved than others and which can cause more serious effects. She uses skeletal models as a backdrop as she talks about the primary areas of concern, silent fractures, treatment dilemmas where there are no muscle attachments, the importance of the back extensors, the first exercise to take the compression forces off the vertebrae and a standing exercise called The Fontanelle Feather that you can do most anywhere at anytime.

Osteoporosis- The Meeks Method
Osteoporosis: Know Your Bones

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