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Sep 29, 2022


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Posture improvement exercises

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Bob and Brad TheraPanel 4-Head Massage Gun


This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in July of 2022. For the original video go to

Bob: Okay, Brad and I are going to show you a very simple method for strengthening your core and posture and it only takes a minute.

Brad: We’re going to do it in a chair, too. This is interesting because most people don’t even do this aspect of core strengthening and its key.

Bob: All right, you’re in your chair and the first thing you’re going to do is slide forward just a little bit. Then you’re going to lean forward but keep your back straight.

Brad: This is critical and maybe arch your back a bit if you can, in the low back. If you have a Booyah stik, place it against your back so you know. With Bob, I can put my fingers between the stick and his back and that’s important to maintain.

Brad: Some people might round their back. A round-back is no good. You must be attentive to that.

Bob: Number one, you lean forward with good posture and your arms up above your head for 20 seconds.

Brad: Like Superman. I think if you’re in an office chair, it might be easier because of the way your seat is shaped. You can do this while you’re working.

Bob: Next, 20 seconds on the W. Squeeze the shoulder blades together while you do this.

Brad: Oh, I really like this one, Bob. I feel those scapulae and my posture feeling better.

Bob: 20 seconds, though. Time it out.

Brad: You could use your cell phone to time it.

Bob: There you go. Finally, Brad, you’re going to bring your arms back and palms up to the ceiling. It’s like Superman, too.

Brad: Yeah, this is like Superman flying. I want to emphasize the squeezing of the shoulder blades together. That’s critical. Locked it strong.

Bob: People are going to notice how your posture has improved.

Brad: This is working all those muscles.

Bob: So, one minute throughout the day. I like to see it maybe five times a day.

Brad: So, again, forward 20 seconds, 20 seconds in W’s, 20 seconds with arms back. Believe me, you’re going to need to rest after that minute because those muscles will be fatigued. Is that it, Bob?

Bob: That’s it.

Brad: It’s an excellent routine and this is part of the core. Most people think core means stomach, but that’s only part of the core.

Bob: That’s right. It’s very important.

Brad: You must work your lower back, it’s about the posture. We’ve talked about this before, but this is a part of the key. We can fix anything except for a broken heart.

Bob: I want you to do it.

Brad: All right, you work on your posture, we’ll work on the broken heart.

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C2 Massage Gun (US) Fit Glide

Q2 Mini Massage Gun (US) Knee Glide

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The Bob and Brad Community is a place to share your experiences, ask questions and connect with others regarding physical therapy and health topics.

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in July of 2022. For the original video go to...

60 Sec. Seated Posture Exercises Everyone Should Do

60 Sec. Seated Posture Exercises Everyone Should Do

60 Sec. Seated Posture Exercises Everyone Should Do

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in July of 2022. For the original video go to

Bob: Okay, Brad and I are going to show you a very simple method for strengthening your core and posture and it only takes a minute.

Brad: We’re going to do it in a chair, too. This is interesting because most people don’t even do this aspect of core strengthening and its key.

Bob: All right, you’re in your chair and the first thing you’re going to do is slide forward just a little bit. Then you’re going to lean forward but keep your back straight.

Brad: This is critical and maybe arch your back a bit if you can, in the low back. If you have a Booyah stik, place it against your back so you know. With Bob, I can put my fingers between the stick and his back and that’s important to maintain.

Brad: Some people might round their back. A round-back is no good. You must be attentive to that.

Bob: Number one, you lean forward with good posture and your arms up above your head for 20 seconds.

Brad: Like Superman. I think if you’re in an office chair, it might be easier because of the way your seat is shaped. You can do this while you’re working.

Bob: Next, 20 seconds on the W. Squeeze the shoulder blades together while you do this.

Brad: Oh, I really like this one, Bob. I feel those scapulae and my posture feeling better.

Bob: 20 seconds, though. Time it out.

Brad: You could use your cell phone to time it.

Bob: There you go. Finally, Brad, you’re going to bring your arms back and palms up to the ceiling. It’s like Superman, too.

Brad: Yeah, this is like Superman flying. I want to emphasize the squeezing of the shoulder blades together. That’s critical. Locked it strong.

Bob: People are going to notice how your posture has improved.

Brad: This is working all those muscles.

Bob: So, one minute throughout the day. I like to see it maybe five times a day.

Brad: So, again, forward 20 seconds, 20 seconds in W’s, 20 seconds with arms back. Believe me, you’re going to need to rest after that minute because those muscles will be fatigued. Is that it, Bob?

Bob: That’s it.

Brad: It’s an excellent routine and this is part of the core. Most people think core means stomach, but that’s only part of the core.

Bob: That’s right. It’s very important.

Brad: You must work your lower back, it’s about the posture. We’ve talked about this before, but this is a part of the key. We can fix anything except for a broken heart.

Bob: I want you to do it.

Brad: All right, you work on your posture, we’ll work on the broken heart.

Visit us on our other social media platforms:

Bob and Brad also have a Podcast where we share your favorite episodes as well as interviews with health-related experts.

For this week’s Giveaway visit:

Bob and Brad’s Products

Pain Management:



Check out our shirts, mugs, bags, and more in our Bob and Brad merchandise shop

The Bob and Brad Community is a place to share your experiences, ask questions and connect with others regarding physical therapy and health topics.

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.


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