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Sep 19, 2024


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This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in March of 2024. For the original video go to

Mike: Do you want a short exercise routine that works your entire body in just 30 seconds and it's not boring?

Brad: Well, I'll tell you what, I've been thinking about this for quite a while now and experimenting over the years and I've brought it down to the perfect short routine that does exactly what it says. Whole body exercise, works you well and it does exercises for beginners as well as those people who are advanced and actually overachievers.

Mike: Overachievers.

Brad: All right, now the five benefits of this routine are as follows.

Mike: First, you're going to burn some calories, which could lead to some weight loss.

Brad: And it also improves your balance.

Mike: It also improves your leg and your arm strength.

Brad: And promotes good posture, which is important for everyone.

Mike: And Brad said, it's not boring, but I'll be the judge of that.

Brad: It's not boring. It's a wonderful routine. You'll love it. Let's get going. All right, now Mike is going to demonstrate this whole routine, it's going to last less than 30 seconds. I'm going to talk you through it so you understand it. This is for beginners, we're going to show intermediate and then the advanced. So face the wall about a foot away, maybe a little bit farther. You'll get a feel for it after you start doing it. The first thing you do is bring your feet, bring them at least shoulder width apart. The next thing you're doing is to get in good posture. Stand up tall, head back. There you go. Now you're prepared for the exercise. Hands on the wall. We're just going to use that for balance right now and the first exercise is simply squats. Go ahead, Mike. Show them how to do it.

Mike: I feel like I'm under arrest right now, but, okay. So what you're going to do is squat down. Now, Brad told me I should keep my hands in place. This is actually going to stretch my shoulders as well while I'm doing this. Just go down as far as you're comfortable. If you can only do a partial squat, just start there. You're going to do 10 repetitions of this.

Brad: Right. If you want to go on time, do it for 10 seconds watching something or having someone tell you when to stop. So obviously you're working the legs, a lot of below the waist, and stretching the arms. Now the next exercise is going to be...

Mike: Mountain climbers.

Brad: Mountain climbers and it's simply bringing your knees up or marching. Now, the higher you bring your knees, the more challenging it is, it's going to wear you out a little quicker.

Mike: Are we supposed to do 10 on each side?

Brad: You could do 10 on each side, or again, go for 10 seconds.

Mike: If you're more advanced, you can go faster, but for beginners, just go slow. You're just marching.

Brad: That's right. Once you get that done, the last one is going to be...

Mike: Pushups.

Brad: Wall pushups, right? So we're working arms.

Mike: So you're going to bring your arms down a little bit. I can't quite get super close to the wall because my mic is going to hit the wall and make loud noises, but just go as close as you can. Do the range. It's going to be easier doing this way because you're not fighting gravity.

Brad: Now, if you do this and it seems way too easy, simply stop, we're going to go to the next session, or if it's semi-challenging, you simply repeat that set until you get fatigued, sit down and rest and then you're done. All right, we're going to the intermediate level. Now the next option is actually to use a countertop. Now, our mat is lower than a countertop. We're going to use the chair. You simply need it for balance for the squats. Go ahead, Mike. You're going to do the same thing as against the wall, except for...

Mike: You're going to hold onto a countertop. Now I'm not pushing hard with it, I'm just kind of using the chair for balance. Go down to where you feel comfortable with depth. Do 10 repetitions and then go on to exercise number two.

Brad: That's right. So let's go to number two. It's going to be with the countertop.

Mike: Oh, I'm doing the countertop now. So we're going to do some marching again, or mountain climbers, depending on what you want to call them. Now I'm more at a 45-degree angle. This makes it a bit more challenging than simply against the wall.

Brad: That's right and let's go to the next one.

Mike: What is the last one again? Pushups!

Brad: How easily we forget, you'll remember after doing this for a couple of days.

Mike: So now we're going to get a little bit more upper body movement, working the chest. The closer you go, the easier it'll be. The further out you go, the harder it'll be.

Brad: And actually, we're going to go to the next more advanced level, and Mike and I are going to have a little competition so you're going to want to stick around.

Mike: They're just going to hear a bunch of heavy breathing.

Brad: Okay, now we're going to do the more advanced method. It's in the standing position, but remember, they're all identical. The first thing you do, is get your feet shoulder-width apart, then good posture and maintain that while you're doing it. Now we're going to simply start squats. You can hold onto the cupboard or chair while you do your squats. Again, go down as far as you feel comfortable. You don't want to get down and not be able to get up, that's not the goal of this, the goal is to finish it. Again, 10 seconds or 10 reps, whatever works well for you.

Brad: Okay, the next thing we're going to do is mount climbers. Now this, we're actually going to get to the floor in that pushup position, I'll show it a profile, and you simply bring a knee up to the chest and alternate right and left. Take your time with this. This is not a race. We are not trying to compete. Well, maybe we will later, Mike, I don't know.

Brad: Now, a couple of things you can do to make this less boring is take your knee and kick out to the side. Kick out to the side and it works your hips a little bit differently, works different muscles, it's better for you, your core's working, your arms are working, your legs are working. This is a complete full-body exercise no matter which one you do.

Brad: Sometimes I like to do this and just lift one leg up in the air.

Brad: We're going longer than the 10 seconds, just so I can show you the variations that you can do and then simply finish out with pushups as you feel comfortable. When I do them, I do like three and that's it and I start all over. Mike is going to do 35, I imagine.

Mike: I'm going faster if that's 35.

Brad: Wow. You're a youngster. So again, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back, hands on the wall. Mike, you know what to do and squats.

Mike: Want me to do 10 reps or 10 seconds? What are we doing here, Brad?

Brad: Well, we'll go 10 reps so we don't have to use the timer. People can follow along if they like. Enjoy it.

Mike: I've never done synchronized exercise, Brad.

Brad: The next one, is mountain climbers. Now, again, work things as you can. It's working wonderfully. He's not cheating, is he?

Mike: Cheating?

Brad: I can't see what's going on. Now standing, you can kick out to the side as well to rotate the hips, and get those hip joints working well. Sometimes even a circle with the knee.

Brad: When we go to the next one, pushups, the farther your feet are away from the wall, the more challenging that pushup is going to be. The big thing is to watch out so your head doesn't bump into the wall. We don't need any concussions going on. There we go.

Brad: Now, if you're not tired enough, simply start all over. Are you ready, Mike? Get back up. Here we go, starting over. Okay, shoulders back, feet wide, hands here. We're going to do squats.

Mike: I'm coughing here. I'm sweating too.

Brad: Keep on going, Mike.

Mike: Jeans were a bad idea today.

Brad: Again, I'm not having too much of a problem here.

Mike: Well, that's nice.

Brad: Now we're going to stop and we're going to go to the mountain climbers. Knees up, oh, yes. Remember to breathe while you're exercising. A lot of people kind of hold it in and kind of grunt a little bit. That does nothing more than restrict your body from oxygen. Makes you much more easily fatigued. Now we need to go to, what's the next one?

Mike: Pushups.

Brad: Pushups. Ooo, yes. How are you doing, Mike?

Mike: Well, holding a plank into a pushup is more challenging.

Brad: See, he is not ripping him off like he was before, the showoff. Okay, one more time. Up we go. Feet one shoulder width apart, shoulders back, hands on the wall, and squats.

Mike: I should have brought my water.

Brad: I told you not to wear jeans today.

Mike: They're stretchy at least.

Brad: Okay, and the next one, we're going to go to the mountain climbers.

Mike: Are you doing 10 reps?

Brad: Well, no, we're trying to just work things in. After a while, you get a feel for it. I'm kicking in like this because that rotates my hip joints. It's good for the acetabulum in the femoral head, if we're going to get technical. And let's go to the pushups. Oh, yeah. So what are you saying, Mike? Are you having fun yet?

Mike: No. I'm bored.

Brad: All right. All right. Thank you, Mike. Mike did a heck of a job!

Mike: Gimme a towel, I'm sweaty.

Brad: All right, now, if you've overdone this, the first or second day you did it and you find you've got sore muscles, these massage guns we're going to

go over, they are very popular. We've been selling a lot of them.

Brad: You don't have to go out and buy one, your muscles are going to get better with some ibuprofen. If you happen to have one or you want one, we're going to show you. I would recommend for people who are seniors, typically, if you're not really muscle bound, which a lot of seniors aren't, the Bob aan Brad Q2 mini massage gun or the Air 2 mini massage gun. The round head and the soft airhead are the two that I would recommend if you're just starting and simply on the sore muscles, massage those muscles. You don't need to do it long, maybe a minute or so on each leg. You can certainly go longer. You can go straight in for an aggressive massage with the round head. You can go sideways to vary the intensity. The airhead that Mike is using is soft. It's actually airhead because it is a soft air cushion. It works very well and you can get close to your joints and it will not hurt it.

Brad: So they're nice options. Let's get back with the program.

Mike: So if you want to check out more videos on how to strengthen your legs, in particular for seniors, check out our video "3-MUST DO-Daily Strength Exercises For Seniors." It's not as extreme as this video.

Brad: Yeah, three must do daily strength exercises for seniors.

Mike: I need some water.

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Bob and Brad’s Products

Pain Management:

C2 Massage Gun (US)

C2 Pro Massage Gun with Heat and Cold Therapy

C2 Plus Massage Gun with Heat

Fit Glide

Q2 Mini Massage Gun (US)

Q2 Pro Massage Gun with Heat and Cold Head

Knee Glide 

Eye Massager 

EyeOasis 2 Eye Massager White

EyeOasis 2 Eye Massager Black

EyeOasis 2 Plus Eye Massager with Remote

T2 Massage Gun 

T2 Pro Massage Gun with Heat and Cold Head

Air 2 Massage Gun

Foot Massager

X6 Massage Gun with Stainless Steel Head

X6 Pro Massage with Heat-Cold and Metal Head

D5 Pro Massage Gun

Leg Massager

Holy Cowabunga Cream 

Uni Massage Gun

D6 Pro Massage Gun

Back Massager

Posture Pad

Lite Foot Massager

EZBack Massager 

EZBack-R Massage with Remote

Weighted Heating Pad with Far Infrared Therapy

Weighted Heating Pad


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Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.

Brad and Mike demonstrate the absolute best full body exercise for seniors that can be done in 30 seconds.

Absolute BEST Full Body Exercise For Seniors! 30 Seconds!

Absolute BEST Full Body Exercise For Seniors! 30 Seconds!

Absolute BEST Full Body Exercise For Seniors! 30 Seconds!

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in March of 2024. For the original video go to

Mike: Do you want a short exercise routine that works your entire body in just 30 seconds and it's not boring?

Brad: Well, I'll tell you what, I've been thinking about this for quite a while now and experimenting over the years and I've brought it down to the perfect short routine that does exactly what it says. Whole body exercise, works you well and it does exercises for beginners as well as those people who are advanced and actually overachievers.

Mike: Overachievers.

Brad: All right, now the five benefits of this routine are as follows.

Mike: First, you're going to burn some calories, which could lead to some weight loss.

Brad: And it also improves your balance.

Mike: It also improves your leg and your arm strength.

Brad: And promotes good posture, which is important for everyone.

Mike: And Brad said, it's not boring, but I'll be the judge of that.

Brad: It's not boring. It's a wonderful routine. You'll love it. Let's get going. All right, now Mike is going to demonstrate this whole routine, it's going to last less than 30 seconds. I'm going to talk you through it so you understand it. This is for beginners, we're going to show intermediate and then the advanced. So face the wall about a foot away, maybe a little bit farther. You'll get a feel for it after you start doing it. The first thing you do is bring your feet, bring them at least shoulder width apart. The next thing you're doing is to get in good posture. Stand up tall, head back. There you go. Now you're prepared for the exercise. Hands on the wall. We're just going to use that for balance right now and the first exercise is simply squats. Go ahead, Mike. Show them how to do it.

Mike: I feel like I'm under arrest right now, but, okay. So what you're going to do is squat down. Now, Brad told me I should keep my hands in place. This is actually going to stretch my shoulders as well while I'm doing this. Just go down as far as you're comfortable. If you can only do a partial squat, just start there. You're going to do 10 repetitions of this.

Brad: Right. If you want to go on time, do it for 10 seconds watching something or having someone tell you when to stop. So obviously you're working the legs, a lot of below the waist, and stretching the arms. Now the next exercise is going to be...

Mike: Mountain climbers.

Brad: Mountain climbers and it's simply bringing your knees up or marching. Now, the higher you bring your knees, the more challenging it is, it's going to wear you out a little quicker.

Mike: Are we supposed to do 10 on each side?

Brad: You could do 10 on each side, or again, go for 10 seconds.

Mike: If you're more advanced, you can go faster, but for beginners, just go slow. You're just marching.

Brad: That's right. Once you get that done, the last one is going to be...

Mike: Pushups.

Brad: Wall pushups, right? So we're working arms.

Mike: So you're going to bring your arms down a little bit. I can't quite get super close to the wall because my mic is going to hit the wall and make loud noises, but just go as close as you can. Do the range. It's going to be easier doing this way because you're not fighting gravity.

Brad: Now, if you do this and it seems way too easy, simply stop, we're going to go to the next session, or if it's semi-challenging, you simply repeat that set until you get fatigued, sit down and rest and then you're done. All right, we're going to the intermediate level. Now the next option is actually to use a countertop. Now, our mat is lower than a countertop. We're going to use the chair. You simply need it for balance for the squats. Go ahead, Mike. You're going to do the same thing as against the wall, except for...

Mike: You're going to hold onto a countertop. Now I'm not pushing hard with it, I'm just kind of using the chair for balance. Go down to where you feel comfortable with depth. Do 10 repetitions and then go on to exercise number two.

Brad: That's right. So let's go to number two. It's going to be with the countertop.

Mike: Oh, I'm doing the countertop now. So we're going to do some marching again, or mountain climbers, depending on what you want to call them. Now I'm more at a 45-degree angle. This makes it a bit more challenging than simply against the wall.

Brad: That's right and let's go to the next one.

Mike: What is the last one again? Pushups!

Brad: How easily we forget, you'll remember after doing this for a couple of days.

Mike: So now we're going to get a little bit more upper body movement, working the chest. The closer you go, the easier it'll be. The further out you go, the harder it'll be.

Brad: And actually, we're going to go to the next more advanced level, and Mike and I are going to have a little competition so you're going to want to stick around.

Mike: They're just going to hear a bunch of heavy breathing.

Brad: Okay, now we're going to do the more advanced method. It's in the standing position, but remember, they're all identical. The first thing you do, is get your feet shoulder-width apart, then good posture and maintain that while you're doing it. Now we're going to simply start squats. You can hold onto the cupboard or chair while you do your squats. Again, go down as far as you feel comfortable. You don't want to get down and not be able to get up, that's not the goal of this, the goal is to finish it. Again, 10 seconds or 10 reps, whatever works well for you.

Brad: Okay, the next thing we're going to do is mount climbers. Now this, we're actually going to get to the floor in that pushup position, I'll show it a profile, and you simply bring a knee up to the chest and alternate right and left. Take your time with this. This is not a race. We are not trying to compete. Well, maybe we will later, Mike, I don't know.

Brad: Now, a couple of things you can do to make this less boring is take your knee and kick out to the side. Kick out to the side and it works your hips a little bit differently, works different muscles, it's better for you, your core's working, your arms are working, your legs are working. This is a complete full-body exercise no matter which one you do.

Brad: Sometimes I like to do this and just lift one leg up in the air.

Brad: We're going longer than the 10 seconds, just so I can show you the variations that you can do and then simply finish out with pushups as you feel comfortable. When I do them, I do like three and that's it and I start all over. Mike is going to do 35, I imagine.

Mike: I'm going faster if that's 35.

Brad: Wow. You're a youngster. So again, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back, hands on the wall. Mike, you know what to do and squats.

Mike: Want me to do 10 reps or 10 seconds? What are we doing here, Brad?

Brad: Well, we'll go 10 reps so we don't have to use the timer. People can follow along if they like. Enjoy it.

Mike: I've never done synchronized exercise, Brad.

Brad: The next one, is mountain climbers. Now, again, work things as you can. It's working wonderfully. He's not cheating, is he?

Mike: Cheating?

Brad: I can't see what's going on. Now standing, you can kick out to the side as well to rotate the hips, and get those hip joints working well. Sometimes even a circle with the knee.

Brad: When we go to the next one, pushups, the farther your feet are away from the wall, the more challenging that pushup is going to be. The big thing is to watch out so your head doesn't bump into the wall. We don't need any concussions going on. There we go.

Brad: Now, if you're not tired enough, simply start all over. Are you ready, Mike? Get back up. Here we go, starting over. Okay, shoulders back, feet wide, hands here. We're going to do squats.

Mike: I'm coughing here. I'm sweating too.

Brad: Keep on going, Mike.

Mike: Jeans were a bad idea today.

Brad: Again, I'm not having too much of a problem here.

Mike: Well, that's nice.

Brad: Now we're going to stop and we're going to go to the mountain climbers. Knees up, oh, yes. Remember to breathe while you're exercising. A lot of people kind of hold it in and kind of grunt a little bit. That does nothing more than restrict your body from oxygen. Makes you much more easily fatigued. Now we need to go to, what's the next one?

Mike: Pushups.

Brad: Pushups. Ooo, yes. How are you doing, Mike?

Mike: Well, holding a plank into a pushup is more challenging.

Brad: See, he is not ripping him off like he was before, the showoff. Okay, one more time. Up we go. Feet one shoulder width apart, shoulders back, hands on the wall, and squats.

Mike: I should have brought my water.

Brad: I told you not to wear jeans today.

Mike: They're stretchy at least.

Brad: Okay, and the next one, we're going to go to the mountain climbers.

Mike: Are you doing 10 reps?

Brad: Well, no, we're trying to just work things in. After a while, you get a feel for it. I'm kicking in like this because that rotates my hip joints. It's good for the acetabulum in the femoral head, if we're going to get technical. And let's go to the pushups. Oh, yeah. So what are you saying, Mike? Are you having fun yet?

Mike: No. I'm bored.

Brad: All right. All right. Thank you, Mike. Mike did a heck of a job!

Mike: Gimme a towel, I'm sweaty.

Brad: All right, now, if you've overdone this, the first or second day you did it and you find you've got sore muscles, these massage guns we're going to

go over, they are very popular. We've been selling a lot of them.

Brad: You don't have to go out and buy one, your muscles are going to get better with some ibuprofen. If you happen to have one or you want one, we're going to show you. I would recommend for people who are seniors, typically, if you're not really muscle bound, which a lot of seniors aren't, the Bob aan Brad Q2 mini massage gun or the Air 2 mini massage gun. The round head and the soft airhead are the two that I would recommend if you're just starting and simply on the sore muscles, massage those muscles. You don't need to do it long, maybe a minute or so on each leg. You can certainly go longer. You can go straight in for an aggressive massage with the round head. You can go sideways to vary the intensity. The airhead that Mike is using is soft. It's actually airhead because it is a soft air cushion. It works very well and you can get close to your joints and it will not hurt it.

Brad: So they're nice options. Let's get back with the program.

Mike: So if you want to check out more videos on how to strengthen your legs, in particular for seniors, check out our video "3-MUST DO-Daily Strength Exercises For Seniors." It's not as extreme as this video.

Brad: Yeah, three must do daily strength exercises for seniors.

Mike: I need some water.

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Bob and Brad also have a Podcast where we share your favorite episodes as well as interviews with health-related experts.

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Pain Management:



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Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.


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