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Nov 7, 2024


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This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in March of 2024. For the original video go to

Mike: Today we're going to go over a 10-minute stretching routine for your lower body that you can do in bed.

Brad: That's right. This routine consists of seven complete stretches that will cover from ankles, and hips, all the way to the shoulders.

Mike: So with all these stretches, hold for a duration of 15 to 30 seconds and only perform the ones that feel good for you.

Brad: That's right. And you may benefit from using a belt or a strap, but you don't need them. Oh, I did forget. I want to mention that this is actually Bob's morning routine. He does it every day and he has great success with it. So we know it's spot on. It's good. Go ahead with number one.

Mike: So first we're going to stretch the calves. Now I'm going to stretch my left one. If you don't have any belts or something to wrap around your foot, you could just take your other foot and pull up, and try to get a calf stretch. I'm personally not feeling much doing it this way, so I have a belt, I have it lassoed around my foot. You could certainly just take a long bed sheet, wrap it around your foot, and pull up. So basically all you're going to do is pull your toes up towards your nose, and you should feel a good calf stretch there.

Brad: Yeah, if you have one of these stretch straps that actually works very well, you simply put that around your foot. And then you have these loops. If you have grip problems with your fingers, arthritic pain, or whatever, this is a really nice option because you can loop your hands in there and your foot and they're not very expensive.

Mike: Next, we're going to stretch the hip adductor or inner thigh muscles. In order to do this, I'm just going to touch the bottom of my feet together and bring them closer to my buttocks like this. If this is all you can do, simply hold this for 15 to 30 seconds. If you want more of an advanced version, you can lift it up, grab at my ankles, and I'm pushing my elbows into my knee. Getting a good stretch. Brad is going to show you how you could do it with the strap.

Brad: Yeah, the strap actually works really well. You can do this either on the floor or in bed. It really doesn't matter. Again, put your feet through the loop. You can see each foot through a loop. My hands, each one's in a loop. I don't even have to grab it. Elbows to my knees and I'm going to cross, and I just pull. It is just a wonderful stretch. I can actually relax, and breathe. Hold it for that 15 to 30 seconds and we're done.

Mike: Next, we're going to stretch the hip external rotators. So to begin, I'm going to do my left leg here. If this is enough stretch for you in this down position, having my leg rotated like this, just stay here for 15 to 30 seconds. If this is easy, bend your other knee up and the closer you bring it to your chest, the more stretch you're going to feel. You can even grab underneath that leg and push. Pull up and push like this. This is the extreme version. If you can do this, that's fine. Hold this for 15 to 30 seconds. Make sure to repeat on the other leg.

Brad: This is one of my personal favorite stretches. It's really good for that hip and relaxing.

Mike: Now going to stretch your hip flexor muscle. You're going to have to scoot to the edge of your bed. Hopefully, you have a firm bed so your buttock does not slide off it. The closer you are to the edge, the more stretch you will feel. We're going to begin with both knees to the chest. I'm going to stretch my left leg here. Going to drop it down. Once I'm down here as far as I can comfortably go, I'm going to try to bend my knee back. It's going to get a little more stretch and then I'm going to pull the opposite leg towards my chest. Hold this for 15 to 30 seconds. Make sure to keep this leg in a nice straight line. Do not let it fall out too far. It's not going to stretch as well.

Brad: Back that way. Good. Just relax. Relax and breathe on all of these. This one's really important that you relax and allow the weight of your leg to pull that down. It'll work well.

Mike: Again, make sure to perform this on both sides. You don't want to have one tight leg and one loose leg.

Brad: That's right. You walk in circles if you do.

Mike: Now we're going to move on to the hamstrings right here. They run from the back of your knee up to your buttocks. We're going to show two ways. For my way, you're going to have to sit more at the edge of the bed. I'm going to be stretching the right leg. You want to straighten your knee as much as possible. Once you're there, try to keep a flat back but bend forward. I'm not very flexible in my hamstrings, this is as far as I can bend. Simply hold this for 15 to 30 seconds and perform on the other side.

Brad: If you want to do it with a belt or a strap, you can lie down on your back. I like to do it this way, particularly with the strap. It is important that you keep the knee as straight as possible. If you do this and you let the knee bend, which takes the hamstring out, it will not be effective. Straight and relaxed. And I'm just pulling up and you will feel a nice stretch right through those hamstrings. Again, relax and breathe for that time as Mike mentioned. I'm stretched out.

Mike: I'm not. We have more to do.

Brad: You are tight in the hamstrings, but it'll get better, Mike.

Mike: Now we're going to stretch the hips a little bit and lower back. We're going to do beginner and advanced versions. The first one is just some low trunk rotations or windshield wipers, as Brad likes to call them. You're going to simply rotate your lower back from side to side. Keeping my feet on the mat here. And you could just do repetitions with this. If you want to sit here in this position for 15 to 30 seconds, you certainly can. And then do the other side. Choose which way you like to perform these.

Brad: With this, I'd like to add, make sure that when you rotate, you allow the hips to rotate, but your shoulders need to attempt to stay flat on the bed or the floor. So you get that nice stretch with that. That works very well. If you do experience pain in one direction, do not go that way. Go the other way. Only go that direction that's painful until you bump into the pain and then go back. You don't want to irritate something.

Mike: Okay, and the last stretch, you're going to have to get on your hands and knees for this. If you're on a bed, luckily it's soft. It's called the child's pose, commonly known in yoga. So I'm going to put my hands forward. I'm going to sit my buttocks towards my heels. Try to keep my hand in place. If I want more of a stretch, I could certainly reach up further. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and breathe. Brad, do you want to show them if they want to stretch one way more?

Brad: Sure. Simply take, if you want to do the right side, take your right hand, and reach over towards your left hand like I'm doing here. I think Mike is doing the same thing up there.

Mike: I am now.

Brad: Yep. And stretch. You can kind of put a little rotation and twist in your trunk. You'll feel it stretch more. If you want to do the other side, it's simply the opposite. If you are doing it on the floor and you don't have a good soft carpet, you can do what I do, just take a simple pillow, and put it under your knees. I'm using a Pete's Choice pad. Either way, it's a lot more comfortable and you'll get a better stretch. Make sure you don't abuse those knees. Wow, I'm stretched.

Brad: All right, like Mike mentioned earlier before we did the stretches, go through all of them. If they create pain or they're not working well, just put those off to the side. Do the ones that feel good and make you feel good. Mike, we've got another video that will be helpful.

Mike: If you want to check out more videos on leg stretching, check out our video "An Advanced Leg Stretching Program."

Brad: Good. Have you considered stretching every morning like this? Maybe we should all get into this.

Mike: I do stretches, but not these ones, apparently.

Brad: Yeah. We all have our own. We're unique individuals.

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Brad and Mike demonstrate a 10-minute beginner stretching routine for your lower body.

Beginner 10 Minute Stretch Routine For Lower Body

Beginner 10 Minute Stretch Routine For Lower Body

Beginner 10 Minute Stretch Routine For Lower Body

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in March of 2024. For the original video go to

Mike: Today we're going to go over a 10-minute stretching routine for your lower body that you can do in bed.

Brad: That's right. This routine consists of seven complete stretches that will cover from ankles, and hips, all the way to the shoulders.

Mike: So with all these stretches, hold for a duration of 15 to 30 seconds and only perform the ones that feel good for you.

Brad: That's right. And you may benefit from using a belt or a strap, but you don't need them. Oh, I did forget. I want to mention that this is actually Bob's morning routine. He does it every day and he has great success with it. So we know it's spot on. It's good. Go ahead with number one.

Mike: So first we're going to stretch the calves. Now I'm going to stretch my left one. If you don't have any belts or something to wrap around your foot, you could just take your other foot and pull up, and try to get a calf stretch. I'm personally not feeling much doing it this way, so I have a belt, I have it lassoed around my foot. You could certainly just take a long bed sheet, wrap it around your foot, and pull up. So basically all you're going to do is pull your toes up towards your nose, and you should feel a good calf stretch there.

Brad: Yeah, if you have one of these stretch straps that actually works very well, you simply put that around your foot. And then you have these loops. If you have grip problems with your fingers, arthritic pain, or whatever, this is a really nice option because you can loop your hands in there and your foot and they're not very expensive.

Mike: Next, we're going to stretch the hip adductor or inner thigh muscles. In order to do this, I'm just going to touch the bottom of my feet together and bring them closer to my buttocks like this. If this is all you can do, simply hold this for 15 to 30 seconds. If you want more of an advanced version, you can lift it up, grab at my ankles, and I'm pushing my elbows into my knee. Getting a good stretch. Brad is going to show you how you could do it with the strap.

Brad: Yeah, the strap actually works really well. You can do this either on the floor or in bed. It really doesn't matter. Again, put your feet through the loop. You can see each foot through a loop. My hands, each one's in a loop. I don't even have to grab it. Elbows to my knees and I'm going to cross, and I just pull. It is just a wonderful stretch. I can actually relax, and breathe. Hold it for that 15 to 30 seconds and we're done.

Mike: Next, we're going to stretch the hip external rotators. So to begin, I'm going to do my left leg here. If this is enough stretch for you in this down position, having my leg rotated like this, just stay here for 15 to 30 seconds. If this is easy, bend your other knee up and the closer you bring it to your chest, the more stretch you're going to feel. You can even grab underneath that leg and push. Pull up and push like this. This is the extreme version. If you can do this, that's fine. Hold this for 15 to 30 seconds. Make sure to repeat on the other leg.

Brad: This is one of my personal favorite stretches. It's really good for that hip and relaxing.

Mike: Now going to stretch your hip flexor muscle. You're going to have to scoot to the edge of your bed. Hopefully, you have a firm bed so your buttock does not slide off it. The closer you are to the edge, the more stretch you will feel. We're going to begin with both knees to the chest. I'm going to stretch my left leg here. Going to drop it down. Once I'm down here as far as I can comfortably go, I'm going to try to bend my knee back. It's going to get a little more stretch and then I'm going to pull the opposite leg towards my chest. Hold this for 15 to 30 seconds. Make sure to keep this leg in a nice straight line. Do not let it fall out too far. It's not going to stretch as well.

Brad: Back that way. Good. Just relax. Relax and breathe on all of these. This one's really important that you relax and allow the weight of your leg to pull that down. It'll work well.

Mike: Again, make sure to perform this on both sides. You don't want to have one tight leg and one loose leg.

Brad: That's right. You walk in circles if you do.

Mike: Now we're going to move on to the hamstrings right here. They run from the back of your knee up to your buttocks. We're going to show two ways. For my way, you're going to have to sit more at the edge of the bed. I'm going to be stretching the right leg. You want to straighten your knee as much as possible. Once you're there, try to keep a flat back but bend forward. I'm not very flexible in my hamstrings, this is as far as I can bend. Simply hold this for 15 to 30 seconds and perform on the other side.

Brad: If you want to do it with a belt or a strap, you can lie down on your back. I like to do it this way, particularly with the strap. It is important that you keep the knee as straight as possible. If you do this and you let the knee bend, which takes the hamstring out, it will not be effective. Straight and relaxed. And I'm just pulling up and you will feel a nice stretch right through those hamstrings. Again, relax and breathe for that time as Mike mentioned. I'm stretched out.

Mike: I'm not. We have more to do.

Brad: You are tight in the hamstrings, but it'll get better, Mike.

Mike: Now we're going to stretch the hips a little bit and lower back. We're going to do beginner and advanced versions. The first one is just some low trunk rotations or windshield wipers, as Brad likes to call them. You're going to simply rotate your lower back from side to side. Keeping my feet on the mat here. And you could just do repetitions with this. If you want to sit here in this position for 15 to 30 seconds, you certainly can. And then do the other side. Choose which way you like to perform these.

Brad: With this, I'd like to add, make sure that when you rotate, you allow the hips to rotate, but your shoulders need to attempt to stay flat on the bed or the floor. So you get that nice stretch with that. That works very well. If you do experience pain in one direction, do not go that way. Go the other way. Only go that direction that's painful until you bump into the pain and then go back. You don't want to irritate something.

Mike: Okay, and the last stretch, you're going to have to get on your hands and knees for this. If you're on a bed, luckily it's soft. It's called the child's pose, commonly known in yoga. So I'm going to put my hands forward. I'm going to sit my buttocks towards my heels. Try to keep my hand in place. If I want more of a stretch, I could certainly reach up further. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and breathe. Brad, do you want to show them if they want to stretch one way more?

Brad: Sure. Simply take, if you want to do the right side, take your right hand, and reach over towards your left hand like I'm doing here. I think Mike is doing the same thing up there.

Mike: I am now.

Brad: Yep. And stretch. You can kind of put a little rotation and twist in your trunk. You'll feel it stretch more. If you want to do the other side, it's simply the opposite. If you are doing it on the floor and you don't have a good soft carpet, you can do what I do, just take a simple pillow, and put it under your knees. I'm using a Pete's Choice pad. Either way, it's a lot more comfortable and you'll get a better stretch. Make sure you don't abuse those knees. Wow, I'm stretched.

Brad: All right, like Mike mentioned earlier before we did the stretches, go through all of them. If they create pain or they're not working well, just put those off to the side. Do the ones that feel good and make you feel good. Mike, we've got another video that will be helpful.

Mike: If you want to check out more videos on leg stretching, check out our video "An Advanced Leg Stretching Program."

Brad: Good. Have you considered stretching every morning like this? Maybe we should all get into this.

Mike: I do stretches, but not these ones, apparently.

Brad: Yeah. We all have our own. We're unique individuals.

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Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.


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