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Best 3-Minute Hip & Leg Warm-Up Before Walking, Running Or Any Activity

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in October of 2022. For the original video go to

Brad: Oh man, these legs are stiff. It doesn't get any better year to year but we're going to show you a nice, easy warm up for whether you're walking, jogging, or going for a hike. Get those legs moving, you're going to feel better.

Bob: You’ll feel younger.

Brad: That's right. Bob, say no more. This is going to be five separate exercises. They're going to take 20 to 30 seconds depending on your choice. And just remember, if any of them cause any pain, any sharp pain, stop. It's not one for you, but they'll probably all be fine. You are going to need probably a wall, and maybe a cane, or a walking stick for some people for a little balance. But it's no big deal. It'll be self-explanatory. Just to be clear, these are all done in the standing position.

Bob: Right.

Brad: I'm going to do this with a stick and you'll see why. But you can also just touch the wall if you need it for balance. The first one is hip flexion. In other words, just marching. Again, if you don't need the wall, that's fine. If you have a walking stick or a Booyah Stik, whatever, that's fine.

Brad: Now what you can do is do a little over pressure. Go like this.

Bob: Be safe.

Brad: Yep. Be safe. It's nice to have something on both sides if you need that. And you don't have to give the over pressure. Five on a leg is more than enough. We'll go onto number two. Okay, we're going to do a similar one but we're going to get the hamstrings to work and the knees and the hips. So, it's up and then kick out and just let it come down. Up, kick out, and down. Now some people may be able to just do this as you walk. If that's not very stable, hands on the wall or counter and just do it stationary. Hand on both sides maybe.

Bob: So that's a dynamic stretch.

Brad: Yep, it a little more dynamic. Exactly right. Really gets things moving nice. About five on a side. Okay, we're going to go to the next one. This one. Butt kickers.

Bob: What is this, Brad?

Brad: Actually, I remember these from track in high school. It's where you just try to take your heel and bring it up and kick your butt. Now you're not going to kick it up and hold it there. This is strictly up and down in a steady fashion. Have your hands on the wall for balance.

Bob: Again, it’s dynamically stretching his quad.

Brad: Yep. So, we're working that, getting the knee joints really moving. If you feel stable and you're more mobile, you can do it as you walk. 5 to 10 on each leg. You're good. Next one, number four. This is simply to get the hip to rotate back and forth. So put your toe on the floor and your heels off the ground, and you're going to rotate. That really does a lot of rotation up in that hip joint. It gets those rotator hip muscles working.

Bob: Brad, what do you call this?

Brad: I call this putting out the cigarette because that's what I learned when I was a kid. My parents smoked, they quit smoking later, but they’d throw the cigarette down and put it out with their foot. You know, back in the sixties everyone was smoking.

Bob: Everybody, right. Even doctors did.

Brad: Yep. If you have a shoe on, it gives you a little resistance, which is a little bit better for some people. All right, the last one is what we call the golfers' lift. So, the ball is in the cup, and you bend forward like you’re going to pick it up. This is where typically people need something to hold onto depending on your balances.

Bob: Like the golf club.

Brad: Yep. Keep the knee relatively straight and you bend forward as far as you feel comfortable and then come back up. Do those five times on a leg. That really works the hamstrings, it gives them a little stretch and it makes them work, so you're strengthening them as well. Just back and forth. Make sure you have sturdy balance.

Bob: It's like one of those dipping birds.

Brad: Right. With these exercises, once you get used to them and you do them a couple times, it'll take you less than two minutes to get through all of them. Then you can get on with your walk or if you just want to do them to wake yourself up in the morning that works too.

Bob: Very good.

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