This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in September of 2019 . For the original video go to
Bob: Hi Folks, I’m Bob Schrupp, Physical Therapist.
Brad: Brad Heineck, Physical Therapist.
Bob: So, one food lowered my wife’s blood pressure by 15 to 20 points, just one food. I’m going to reveal that in this video.
Brad: This is interesting, Bob. She didn’t take any medications.
Bob: No, no medications. Someone mentioned actually, my poor wife, she’s always being portrayed on these videos, that having something wrong with her. I started thinking about it because she’s so lucky she has me. I mean, I’m fixing her all the time.
Brad: Yeah, she is a lucky woman.
Bob: I’ll point out something at the end why she isn’t so lucky, but anyway. My wife’s blood pressure was pushing towards 140 over 90, which is kind of that borderline. They start looking at, well, do we do medication or not. Especially at appointments because she has white coat syndrome.
Brad: Right, it goes up a little bit when you’re nervous.
Bob: You’re nervous in front of the doctor but even that is still indicative that you may have blood pressure problems. We took her measurements in February of 2019, and she was like obsessive about this. She was taking like ten measurements a day. On average, it was running like 138 over 83 all the way up to 141 over 92.
Brad: Did she use one of those electric ones?
Bob: Yes, she used an electric one, but it was one we tried versus a real, manual one. And it worked well. So, it was high. So, I read the book and I’ve mentioned this book before, “How Not to Die: Discover Foods, Scientifically Proven, to Prevent and Reverse Disease." This is by Michael Greger MD. This has had about 3200 reviews when I last looked at it. 4.8 stars. Really well liked. Very well researched. They’ve got a website, They’ve got videos on over 2000 health subjects, but all proceeds he makes from this, Brad, from his DVD’s, his books, his speaking engagements, are donated to charity. This is an upstanding man. Let’s talk about what food he recommends in here and what food he does not. First off, he does say, “The evidence is overwhelming, that sodium raises blood pressure.” It’s clear. It is controversial because there are other people that still say that it doesn’t. But he said, “No.” And my wife found this out because she was trying to lose some weight. She was taking some of that soup broth, which is really high in sodium. Her blood pressure skyrocketed.
Brad: It tastes good though.
Bob: It tastes great because it’s got a lot of salt in it. She did stop that, but that was before this February thing. That was way before that. This didn’t play a role in that. The one food to use, the one thing he recommends is flax seed, ground flax seed.
Brad: It looks like applesauce.
Bob: LOL, that is applesauce.
Brad: Oh, ha-ha.
Bob: So, all she does is she takes the flax seed; she takes two tablespoons a day.
Brad: You can just buy this anywhere?
Bob: Yep, pretty common. You can get it at the grocery store or online.

Brad: It just looks like a little ground up powdery stuff.
Bob: Yeah, so she takes it, and she puts it in unsweetened applesauce, that’s one way she does it. She puts two tablespoons in there and eats it. It’s like taking your medicine, and it tastes good.
Brad: Can you put it in other foods too?
Bob: You can put it in everything. She also puts it in nonfat Greek yogurt sometimes and she will put berries in with it.
Brad: So, you’re saying that the book shows some scientific proof in it.
Bob: Yes, it had some studies on flax seed oil. The study showed that the average person, they lowered it, their scores were 158/81 down to 143/75. They dropped, especially the diastolic. The diastolic drops an average of seven points, from 81 to 75.
Brad: D for down. That’s how I remember it.
Bob: Yep, okay! So, this is what the study showed.
Brad: It’s very clear.
Bob: Now, my wife, she had much better results. I’m going to reveal it here, Brad. Look at this: 120/70's.
Brad. She dropped all the way down to like 120 over 70’s. She was hitting 140 over 92 sometimes so she dropped like 20 points.
Brad: Yeah, that’s nice. How long did she need to take this?
Bob: This was February and we started seeing it fairly quickly, but now we are in September right now. So, this is where she’s at right now. Interestingly enough, and this is where maybe it’s not so good living with me. We were kind of tracking over the weekends how she was doing and there was one weekend where I was gone. She was like 110 over 60’s. It’s like it used to be like almost before she met me. Before we were spending a lot of time together. It’s the medical price you have to pay for living with me, ha-ha. Anyway, this is such an easy solution. I’d certainly give it a try if you can avoid medications just by taking a food, this would be the one.
Brad: Is it very expensive?
Bob: No, no. It’s pretty reasonable. I don’t remember what it was, but it was not that much.
Brad: Maybe I should just take some right now.
Bob: There you go. Take some right now.
Brad: Oh, it’s sealed up.
Bob: Oh, alright. Thanks everybody.
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