This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in February of 2023. For the original video go to
Brad: Squats are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do. However, stop doing them like this.
Brad: We'll show you a better way. The three biggest problems with these squats are, number one, oftentimes this promotes a rounded back. And also, the second thing that goes along with that is poor balance. One more thing, functionally, how often do we squat like this, with our arms out? I mean, the only thing that functionally relates to this, is if you're doing some cliff diving and diving off into a 40-foot drop of the ocean.
Mike: Now, here are three better options. The first one is to put your hands on your hips. It helps promote better posture as you're squatting down.
Brad: Also, that's the same position your hands go when you get out of a chair if you need any assistance with that push-off. All right, the next option is, for good body posture while you do this and good mechanics, you can do two things with your hands. You can put them in the praying position, or you can put them in the arms crossed, or the Elvis position, I heard it called once. You may not think that's funny. Anyways, so it's good posture. Do the squat down and up. The idea is we're doing head up, shoulders back versus rounding forward.
Brad: All right. This is a little advanced, but this is the way I do them. It forces your body into an excellent posture. You need a stick about four or five feet long, a broomstick, we're using a Booyah Stik, across the shoulders like Mike and I have it. Now that brings the hands back, the shoulders back. Bring your head back, not forward, wide foot stance, and simply squat. Go ahead, Mike. Tell them some more.
Mike: And we're squatting down. Do not round your back like this. This is a good morning, and it's a different exercise. So squat. Try to look up. Try to engage your lats by pulling down on the stick to keep your spine neutral.
Brad: Oh, very good point, Mike. I usually don't think of that. I'm going to start working on that. Okay, we've got one more tricky, even a little more advanced.
Mike: A fourth option you can try if you have bad ankles or bad mobility in them is to elevate your heels. I do not have good mobility in my right ankle. So you can see, once I get to a certain depth, my back tends to kind of round forward. I can't keep it up. I fall over. So if I put something behind my heels, and rotate my toes out slightly, I can squat down with a lot better mechanics.
Brad: And better balance too, right?
Mike: Yeah. Push me over.
Brad: Look at you go. That's a common technique with people who are more advanced and work heavier weights. Is that accurate?
Mike: Yeah. You can get lifting shoes that have a thicker heel. You can just use a book, a foam pad, or even a slant board.
Brad: Right? I'm going to stick to my regular shoes and just do them the regular way. But everyone's going to progress at their own rate and do their own thing. So I'm thinking, if you need some help, what are we going to do, Mike?
Mike: I don't know. What are we going to do?
Brad: We're going to help our neighbors and friends out. How's that go, Bob?
Bob: Be helpful.
Brad: Be helpful. We're getting it.
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