This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in November of 2023. For the original video go to
Mike: Today we're going to show you the greatest exercise routine created by Brad, that we're going to show you that anyone can do, and it should only take about five minutes.
Brad: Plus, the routine intensity is flexible to fit your fitness needs. Get it? We're going to have a little hat fun here, we're going to show you a little variety, and you're going to like that to put a little fun into the fitness.
Mike: So before we begin, obviously you're going to need a chair, something firm with armrests is preferable, but whatever chair you have will be suitable.
Brad: That's right. Now, I'd like you to follow along, and we're going to bring this from the fingertips down to the toes. It's a complete exercise, you'll feel fantastic once you're done.
Mike: And, remember to breathe throughout, we are not going to hold our breath for this. And have some fun with it.
Brad: That's right, in your nose, out your mouth. Relax, we're ready to start. All right, we have a total of 14 exercises. If any of them create any pain, just don't do that one, wait for the next one. They all should feel good. Are you ready? The warm-up, here we go. All right, now the hats. The one I'm wearing is from Hoover Dam. If you live in Nevada, is that where it is?
Mike: Yeah, Nevada.
Brad: Give us a comment if you're from there. Mike has a hat that's from the 40s. So anything, if you're just an older person like that, but ready to go, give us a comment. Starting out in your chair, lift your arms up and breathe. Then, arms back down to your laps. Palms on your laps, and up again. This is number two. Just to warm up, get those lungs to expand. Mike, do you have anything to say, one more time?
Mike: I'm just clasping my hands together, in case you have a bad shoulder, and need some help from your good side.
Brad: That's right. Okay, let's go down to the opposite end. Ankle pumps with your feet. So pull the toes up as far as you can, and down. You can do like Mike is doing, or like myself. Where I have the feet out. And whatever feels good for you, feel a stretch on the back, we're doing 10 of these. What number are we on, Mike?
Mike: I'm on four right now. We're going to do 10 each way.
Brad: All right, break. The third one is kicks. Kick straight out and down., one leg and then the other. Not too fast. Mike, do you have any comments on this?
Mike: We magically changed our hats, and I'm from Alaska now.
Brad: That's right, if you're from Alaska, give us a comment. My hat, what do we have? Oh, Italy. If you're from Italy, give us a comment.
Mike: We're just going to do 10 total, so five per side. So, I think we already hit that number.
Brad: That's right.
Mike: Now, we're going to do marches. So, we're going to do 10 total, right? Five per side.
Brad: Yes.
Mike: On to the next ones.
Brad: All right, the next one is kind of a unique one. I really like this one. Cross your legs so your ankles are crossed. Then simply kick both feet up at the same time, hold it, and back down. We're going to do 10 of these.
Mike: 10, that's too many.
Brad: Well, we're already on number three.
Mike: Does it matter what side we cross over?
Brad: It does not, you cross either leg you want. As a matter of fact, when you get to five, it's nice to cross the other one over on top. You'll feel the muscles on your adductors, and your VMOs. Those are muscles that are on the inner thighs, that you don't get activated when you do the regular kicks.
Mike: I should say, make sure you have a tall enough chair, if you're a tall person.
Brad: Oh, that's true. All right, let's go to the next one.
Mike: The next one we're going to do is floor touches. Now, not everyone is going to be able to get all the way down to the floor. Just go down on what is comfortable for you and your back. Make sure to keep a nice flat back, we're not going to round at the shoulders. We're just going to do five of these in total. And when you're down here, you can hold it for a few seconds, and then come back up.
Brad: That's right, make sure you breathe while you're doing these. Exhale going down, breathe in while you're going up.
Mike: And one more, I feel the stretch in my hips, actually. It's kind of nice.
Brad: Oh yeah, this is a wonderful stretch.
Mike: Onto the next one.
Brad: All right, moving on to the next one. Arms crossed across your chest, good posture. Bring your arms out to the side about shoulder height, and stretch them out wide. And back across your chest. So, we're going to breathe in as we go out. This makes a W, cheese head, Wisconsin, that's where I'm from. That's my hat. Now, Mike will explain your hat.
Mike: My hat is too small for my large head. But, I guess if you speak Spanish, or you're from Mexico, is that where they wear these hats?
Brad: We don't want to insult anyone because we know it's not an authentic hat. But we certainly are thinking of people from Mexico. And breathe, or any other country close to it.
Mike: Let's go to the next exercise. which is going to be keeping your arm out straight, opening your fingers up, and then making a fist. No, we're not doing it super hard and intense. But, we're just going to do 10 repetitions, to get those fingers moving. If you have arthritis in your hands, this is a good option to do in the morning.
Brad: That's right.
Mike: What are we on? We're on seven. We got cameraman Danny counting. Eight, nine, and we're out of sync here. 10!
Brad: I'm sorry. Well, we're close. Let's go right into the next one. Make a gentle, loose fist and we're going to make circles. This gets into those wrist joints, and a little bit into the hand. Make sure you do about five in one direction. And then, go in the opposite direction, as well. Boy, this really makes all those small bones, tendons, ligaments, and the wrist and hands loosen up and feel good. All right, let's go on.
Mike: Onto exercise number 10. This is going to be a shoulder exercise. Start with your palms facing down, and then lift your hands straight up in the air and do what you comfortably can do. We're just going to do five repetitions, it's kind of similar to the first exercise. You can keep your palms facing away from you when they're up. Or, if you want to go to a more neutral position, that is perfectly acceptable, as well. Danny the cameraman says we are on number four. So we have one more left. And Brad and I changed hats again because Brad thinks it's funny.
Brad: Okay, the next one. Sit up nice and tall, hands on the armrests, and we're going to do a little rotation with the neck. We're going to go to the right as far as you can comfortably, and then to the left. We're going to do this five times.
Brad: You'll notice I have a UW Lacrosse hat. I'm a little biased on this hat. I went to school there, and the school has not been the same since I graduated.
Mike: My hat is for people who bet on the Kentucky Derby, I think. I don't `know what it's from.
Brad: No, Bob and I think it's from the "Grapes of Wrath" movie with Henry Fonda. A lot of you will remember that.
Mike: The next exercise, number 12 is going to work the legs a little bit, the quads, and the hip flexor muscles. So, you're going to kick your leg out, keep your toes pointed towards the ceiling, and you're going to do five little osculations. And then back down, we're going to do five of these per side. What do you call this exercise?
Brad: Well, I call this plyometrics of the quadriceps. Technically speaking, of course.
Mike: You don't have a cool name for it?
Brad: No, no. But, if you don't get five osculations up and down, that's okay.
Mike: Switch sides.
Brad: Switch. It really makes the exercise a little more difficult, and you feel it more. I learned this one at my mom's exercise group. She lives in assisted living now. I joined the group when I popped in to visit, and felt like I had to share this with everyone. 10! Let's go to the next one. All right moving on, we're going to work the trunk and the spine. A little bit of flexibility with rotation to the right. You can put your hands where Mike has them on your chest. Or, you can grab onto the armrests, and give a little overpressure right to left. And we're going to do it five times. Make sure you breathe, don't go too far with this if it hurts. If it hurts at all, stop and go in the other direction.
Brad: There we go, nice job. All right, we're coming up on the last one, the grand finale. This next one will be a little bit more aggressive, so get a drink of water.
Mike: All right exercise number 14, the grand finale. It's going to be kind of a core exercise. Everything's moving around here. You're going to lift your arms and your legs simultaneously and then go back down, make sure to breathe throughout it like Brad is doing.
Brad: Oh, yeah.
Mike: We're going to do five repetitions. The longer you hold the position up, the harder it becomes. If this is challenging, you may just go up for a second, then drop.
Brad: That's right. If you want to keep on doing them to wear yourself out, you're more than welcome. We'll just sit here for a little bit. I have my Alaska hat on. Because it is one of my favorite states, even though I'm from Wisconsin. You know, the old song... ♪ Up to Alaska ♪ Johnny Hurt, does anybody remember Big Johnny? One of my favorite singers. What do you have to say, Mike?
Mike: If you want to check out more videos on seated exercise routines, try our video, 3-MUST DO-Daily Strength Exercises For Seniors.
Brad: And also, it's really important, seriously, to get some water. And after you exercise, get at least a glass or two before you take a nap.
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