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Aug 3, 2023


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This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in March of 2023. For the original video go to

Brad: All right. This simple morning stretch routine is going to stretch your muscles, give you good posture, and get you stoked for the day. Let's go to it.

Mike: Okay, grab a towel or a Booyah stik or any type of stick. You can grab a mop handle. You just need something you can do some exercises with.

Brad: Let's go to work!

Mike: The first exercise is going to take you about 20 seconds. If you have a broom or a mop handle, put it in front of you in a seated chair and stretch out like this. A 5-foot one, a little bit longer works better. Again, I'm stretching the shoulders, the spine.

Mike: If you have a pull-up bar or hanging handles, that's actually a little bit more aggressive and works great. Mike's demonstrating. And just gently go down, don't do it too aggressively. After you do it a few times, you'll build up to suspend like Mike is doing.

Mike: Let's go to number two. The next one I call paddling. You're going to need your broomstick or this mop and you simply move like you are paddling. The right arm is the arm being stretched. The left arm is pushing, pushing. You're going to feel a really nice stretch through the shoulder and the bicep and you simply, push back like you're paddling a canoe. I do this five times on each arm every morning. We'll go to number three.

Mike: The third exercise is the Y stretch. Why Bob? Why? Anyway, we're going to grab a towel. Brad has a stick and you're going to make a Y shape. When you're up here, go to the left and then bend to the right. You get a little oblique stretching in there. If you want to get more shoulder motion, you can even go all the way behind your back like this and just do some repetitions.

Brad: I can't do that. Make sure you breathe and relax on all of these stretches, I forgot to remind you of that. The fourth one, hold your stick on your shoulders like this. Shoulders back, and we're going to simply do rotations. Mike is using a towel or sheet. You can go like that. You're going to do this for about 10 repetitions. A way to alter it is like Mike is doing a little rotation.

Mike: With some angles.

Brad: If you really want to get your thoracic spine, sit down and go back and forth, and that emphasizes that upper back rotation. Oh, it's good.

Brad: Alright Mike, tell them.

Mike: Remember to be helpful to one another.

Brad: There you go. It's a trademark.

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C2 Massage Gun (US)

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X6 Massage Gun with Stainless Steel Head

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D6 Pro Massage Gun

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Pull Up Bands

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The Bob and Brad Community is a place to share your experiences, ask questions and connect with others regarding physical therapy and health topics.

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in March of 2023. For the original video go to...

The Best Stimulating Wake-Up and Posture Daily Routine 2-3 Minutes

The Best Stimulating Wake-Up and Posture Daily Routine 2-3 Minutes

The Best Stimulating Wake-Up and Posture Daily Routine 2-3 Minutes

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in March of 2023. For the original video go to

Brad: All right. This simple morning stretch routine is going to stretch your muscles, give you good posture, and get you stoked for the day. Let's go to it.

Mike: Okay, grab a towel or a Booyah stik or any type of stick. You can grab a mop handle. You just need something you can do some exercises with.

Brad: Let's go to work!

Mike: The first exercise is going to take you about 20 seconds. If you have a broom or a mop handle, put it in front of you in a seated chair and stretch out like this. A 5-foot one, a little bit longer works better. Again, I'm stretching the shoulders, the spine.

Mike: If you have a pull-up bar or hanging handles, that's actually a little bit more aggressive and works great. Mike's demonstrating. And just gently go down, don't do it too aggressively. After you do it a few times, you'll build up to suspend like Mike is doing.

Mike: Let's go to number two. The next one I call paddling. You're going to need your broomstick or this mop and you simply move like you are paddling. The right arm is the arm being stretched. The left arm is pushing, pushing. You're going to feel a really nice stretch through the shoulder and the bicep and you simply, push back like you're paddling a canoe. I do this five times on each arm every morning. We'll go to number three.

Mike: The third exercise is the Y stretch. Why Bob? Why? Anyway, we're going to grab a towel. Brad has a stick and you're going to make a Y shape. When you're up here, go to the left and then bend to the right. You get a little oblique stretching in there. If you want to get more shoulder motion, you can even go all the way behind your back like this and just do some repetitions.

Brad: I can't do that. Make sure you breathe and relax on all of these stretches, I forgot to remind you of that. The fourth one, hold your stick on your shoulders like this. Shoulders back, and we're going to simply do rotations. Mike is using a towel or sheet. You can go like that. You're going to do this for about 10 repetitions. A way to alter it is like Mike is doing a little rotation.

Mike: With some angles.

Brad: If you really want to get your thoracic spine, sit down and go back and forth, and that emphasizes that upper back rotation. Oh, it's good.

Brad: Alright Mike, tell them.

Mike: Remember to be helpful to one another.

Brad: There you go. It's a trademark.

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Bob and Brad also have a Podcast where we share your favorite episodes as well as interviews with health-related experts.

For this week’s Giveaway visit:

Bob and Brad’s Products

Pain Management:




Check out our shirts, mugs, bags, and more in our Bob and Brad merchandise shop

The Bob and Brad Community is a place to share your experiences, ask questions and connect with others regarding physical therapy and health topics.

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.


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