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Aug 1, 2023


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This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in February of 2023. For the original video go to

Brad: Are you experiencing pain while you sleep or when you get up out of bed in the morning? And boy, things are uncomfortable. We may have just the solution for you. If you're a stomach sleeper and if you know Bob and Brad, we do not really promote stomach sleeping, but if you need to stomach sleep, because that's the way you do it we're going to show you how you can do it and prevent pain. First of all, Bob's here lying on his stomach and the first thing is his lower back is arched too much. So right in the low back, it can arch, and if you've got back pain in the middle of the night or when you wake up, that very well could be the problem.

Brad: The next potential problem is with your neck being turned all the way in one direction. We call that end range and lying like that for extended periods of time easily can cause problems in the neck, headaches down into the shoulders, and even into the arm.

Brad: The next one is when the neck, it may be rotated not all the way, but the head or neck is extended and you get this ski jump here, whoa, but that puts stress particularly on the low and upper neck. Problem potential area.

Brad: And the last thing that can cause problems is arms overhead. In this position, which can cause problems on the brachial plexus, the nerve bundle there as well as the joints in the shoulders, et cetera.

Brad: We're going to show you options so you can avoid this while still sleeping on your stomach or prone. Okay, a solution for the first one, is low back pain. Very simple, put a pillow underneath your stomach or your hip, adjust it as needed and you will feel that stress come off your back very quickly. Bob just mentioned how much better it feels.

Brad: One easy option to eliminate the neck problems is to bring your pillow up underneath, like Bob has it tucked a little bit under his chest and that will bring the head down, and it doesn't rotate so much and adjust it so you feel comfortable there, relieving that stress on the neck. And the last is not a complicated one or surprise, it's just bringing your arms down so that those shoulders are down. The big thing is that your arms are below the 90-degree and the shoulder that would be here, up here, all good down here, relaxed. There you go. How are you feeling Bob?

Bob: Good.

Brad: You ready to take a good night's sleep? Yeah, his mic is off, but he said, "Yeah."

The second position is side-lying, sleeping on your side. We're going to go through the problem areas. The first one is the head is actually tilted down out of alignment, putting stress on the neck, et cetera.

Brad: Let's go to the second problem. Another problem area is the point to the shoulder, the joint gets squished up in there, causing problems by morning.

Brad: The next problem area is the spine can sag right at the waistline as you can see there. We need to get that neutralized.

Brad: And the last problem we have is the knee coming over the front of this knee, putting stress on the hip. So no good.

Brad: Solutions to these problems. Quite simple. First of all, put a second pillow under your head to get the head in line with the rest of the spine. There you go.

Brad: Okay, we're going to get two problems with one pillow this time, both the shoulder and the spine. Take a throw pillow, and put it underneath creating a canal right here for your shoulder so you're not pinching your shoulder into the mattress. And it will help align that spine, so it's straight across just like so. A very nice option.

Brad: And in regards to the legs and hip, another pillow is needed between the knees, very comfortable. Most people are very happy to put that one there.

Brad: So you will need three pillows for this. So go to the living room, go to your kids' room, and find some pillows. Kids don't need pillows anyways. Just kidding. Yeah, I might have to find them. Anyways, Bob, are you ready to take a nap? Yep. He's ready. Sleeping well is important, and rest is very good.

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The Bob and Brad Community is a place to share your experiences, ask questions and connect with others regarding physical therapy and health topics.

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in February of 2023. For the original video go to...

Two Sleep Positions To Avoid

Two Sleep Positions To Avoid

Two Sleep Positions To Avoid

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in February of 2023. For the original video go to

Brad: Are you experiencing pain while you sleep or when you get up out of bed in the morning? And boy, things are uncomfortable. We may have just the solution for you. If you're a stomach sleeper and if you know Bob and Brad, we do not really promote stomach sleeping, but if you need to stomach sleep, because that's the way you do it we're going to show you how you can do it and prevent pain. First of all, Bob's here lying on his stomach and the first thing is his lower back is arched too much. So right in the low back, it can arch, and if you've got back pain in the middle of the night or when you wake up, that very well could be the problem.

Brad: The next potential problem is with your neck being turned all the way in one direction. We call that end range and lying like that for extended periods of time easily can cause problems in the neck, headaches down into the shoulders, and even into the arm.

Brad: The next one is when the neck, it may be rotated not all the way, but the head or neck is extended and you get this ski jump here, whoa, but that puts stress particularly on the low and upper neck. Problem potential area.

Brad: And the last thing that can cause problems is arms overhead. In this position, which can cause problems on the brachial plexus, the nerve bundle there as well as the joints in the shoulders, et cetera.

Brad: We're going to show you options so you can avoid this while still sleeping on your stomach or prone. Okay, a solution for the first one, is low back pain. Very simple, put a pillow underneath your stomach or your hip, adjust it as needed and you will feel that stress come off your back very quickly. Bob just mentioned how much better it feels.

Brad: One easy option to eliminate the neck problems is to bring your pillow up underneath, like Bob has it tucked a little bit under his chest and that will bring the head down, and it doesn't rotate so much and adjust it so you feel comfortable there, relieving that stress on the neck. And the last is not a complicated one or surprise, it's just bringing your arms down so that those shoulders are down. The big thing is that your arms are below the 90-degree and the shoulder that would be here, up here, all good down here, relaxed. There you go. How are you feeling Bob?

Bob: Good.

Brad: You ready to take a good night's sleep? Yeah, his mic is off, but he said, "Yeah."

The second position is side-lying, sleeping on your side. We're going to go through the problem areas. The first one is the head is actually tilted down out of alignment, putting stress on the neck, et cetera.

Brad: Let's go to the second problem. Another problem area is the point to the shoulder, the joint gets squished up in there, causing problems by morning.

Brad: The next problem area is the spine can sag right at the waistline as you can see there. We need to get that neutralized.

Brad: And the last problem we have is the knee coming over the front of this knee, putting stress on the hip. So no good.

Brad: Solutions to these problems. Quite simple. First of all, put a second pillow under your head to get the head in line with the rest of the spine. There you go.

Brad: Okay, we're going to get two problems with one pillow this time, both the shoulder and the spine. Take a throw pillow, and put it underneath creating a canal right here for your shoulder so you're not pinching your shoulder into the mattress. And it will help align that spine, so it's straight across just like so. A very nice option.

Brad: And in regards to the legs and hip, another pillow is needed between the knees, very comfortable. Most people are very happy to put that one there.

Brad: So you will need three pillows for this. So go to the living room, go to your kids' room, and find some pillows. Kids don't need pillows anyways. Just kidding. Yeah, I might have to find them. Anyways, Bob, are you ready to take a nap? Yep. He's ready. Sleeping well is important, and rest is very good.

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Bob and Brad also have a Podcast where we share your favorite episodes as well as interviews with health-related experts.

For this week’s Giveaway visit:

Bob and Brad’s Products

Pain Management:




Check out our shirts, mugs, bags, and more in our Bob and Brad merchandise shop

The Bob and Brad Community is a place to share your experiences, ask questions and connect with others regarding physical therapy and health topics.

Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.



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