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This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in April of 2023. For the original video go to

Mike: Foam rolling has become a popular technique for self-massage and muscle relaxation, but it's not always a pleasant experience.

Brad: That's right. We're going to discuss some reasons we love them and some reasons maybe not so much. Also, some differences between foam roller diameters, how dense they are, and everything you need to know about this.

Mike: So the first category we're going to talk about is the hate category. That's a strong word. We're going to go with the dislike category. The first negative about the foam roller is you have to use it on the floor to get the best results as Brad is demonstrating. Where if you wanted to do some massaging and you're unable to get on the floor, a massage gun would be a lot easier to use.

Brad: That's right. Getting on the floor, just the act of getting down on the floor will pose a challenge for some individuals. Or if you have some problems where that's uncomfortable or something you'd rather not do, the massage gun, is easy to do, seated or lying down in bed. You can work your legs and your arms. Again, it's on the floor with the foam roller and it's not very aggressive because they're not very hard, although some are. But it's just hard to get an aggressive for example on your forearms if you've got tight muscles there. The massage gun in this case is probably the better option. Go ahead, Mike. Show them.

Mike: Yeah, if you just want to get a little more aggressive, you can just push down in there. Obviously, with the foam roller, you can push down harder to get more pressure, but it's a little easier just to use a massage gun if you're just working in this small area. If you're working legs, you sit on it, there's more weight on it. You can dig a little deeper, but the convenience of this is just a little better. Another dislike we have with them is they're not very portable, especially when you have a large one. I'm not going to haul the large one anywhere. They have shorter ones, which you can throw in your gym bag if you want. They are somewhat portable, but like we're talking about just massaging in general, which is the same idea a foam roller does, the massage guns are much more portable.

Brad: That's right. Okay. And the last part of foam rollers is for your muscles in your lower back lumbar area in particular, we do not recommend that. It's just too aggressive. Some people may be able to control it, but it's difficult. I do not like this at all on my back. I have lumbar spondylolisthesis and I stay away from it. Also, if you want to roll your neck, it just does not work very well. It's great on your thoracic spine around the scapula or the shoulder blades, but up by the neck, it just doesn't work.

Mike: So that all being said, there are some benefits to foam rolling and reasons we do like them or love them, I should say as the title mentions. They are fairly inexpensive compared to, say, a massage gun like we're talking about. They can range from $10 to $40.

Brad: Right. Just keep in mind there are different lengths. This is a longer one, and you can get the shorter 16 to 18-inch ones. We'll talk a little bit about the difference between the two.

Mike: Another thing to like about the foam roller is they're fairly easy to use as long as you're mobile enough and can get down on the floor. They don't have all the buttons and manuals that a massager would have.

Brad: All right. Another great thing about the foam rollers, it does large muscle areas at a time. For example, working the calf muscles.

Brad: You can do both at once. If you want to get more intense, you cross one leg over the other. And then you can easily roll up to the hamstring muscle group and you can roll to one side, get the IT band, and then continue to roll over and get the quadriceps so you're getting a complete leg massage. And go roll over and get the glutes too.

Mike: Am I a dog or what?

Brad: Yes. Just keep on rolling. It is nice. Again, if you're mobile enough to do this, it really is a nice option.

Mike: Some of the benefits of foam rolling include reduced muscle soreness, so this is more of a temporary thing, right when it happens. Hours later it's not going to be beneficial, but if you're a little sore, going to the gym, do a little foam rolling, loosen everything up, you're not going to be as sore.

Brad: Also, another added benefit is increased range of motion. When you get your muscles to relax, that's going to increase the range of motion at the joints, so it's great for that as well. And let's talk about circulation.

Mike: So it also increases circulation or blood flow to the area because it is a type of massaging technique. This helps improve nutrient delivery to that area through your blood and helps with waste removal, which kind of relates to helping with muscle soreness.

Brad: That's right. It all works together. One other thing, particularly about these long rollers is, I like these for working on your posture and mobilization of the spine. You simply lie on it, and I like to do this at the end of a workout where I'm relaxed, I let my shoulders go back, my head, draw back and just lay for a few minutes and relax.

Brad: This helps your posture, allows you to breathe very nicely, and finishes up a workout effectively. Okay. Another nice thing about this is some studies are showing that foam rolling when done appropriately can help benefit fibromyalgia in regards to pain relief. It's no guarantees you can try it and see if it works for you. The worst that can happen is it's not effective, but it's certainly worth a try. Anything else, Mike?

Mike: There are some other alternative things you can use as well if you don't have a foam roller and you want to try it, you could simply use a softball, lacrosse ball, or anything you can roll on. That's going to be a little more trigger point-oriented because it's a smaller surface versus a foam roller. But if you don't have one, and you want to try it, that's an alternative.

Brad: I love my foam roller. Would not go without. It's part of my routine and it's a personal thing. Mike.

Mike: I like them. I use them periodically, but sometimes I prefer the massage gun on certain muscle groups and I prefer the foam roller on others.

Brad: That's right. All right. Be careful.

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Pain Management:

C2 Massage Gun (US)

C2 Pro Massage Gun with Heat and Cold Therapy

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Knee Glide 

Eye Massager 

T2 Massage Gun 

Air 2 Massage Gun

Foot Massager

X6 Massage Gun with Stainless Steel Head

Leg Massager

Holy Cowabunga Cream 

Uni Massage Gun

D6 Pro Massage Gun

Back Massager

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EZBack Massager 

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Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in April of 2023. For the original video go to...

What I Love/Hate About Foam Rolling

What I Love/Hate About Foam Rolling

What I Love/Hate About Foam Rolling

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in April of 2023. For the original video go to

Mike: Foam rolling has become a popular technique for self-massage and muscle relaxation, but it's not always a pleasant experience.

Brad: That's right. We're going to discuss some reasons we love them and some reasons maybe not so much. Also, some differences between foam roller diameters, how dense they are, and everything you need to know about this.

Mike: So the first category we're going to talk about is the hate category. That's a strong word. We're going to go with the dislike category. The first negative about the foam roller is you have to use it on the floor to get the best results as Brad is demonstrating. Where if you wanted to do some massaging and you're unable to get on the floor, a massage gun would be a lot easier to use.

Brad: That's right. Getting on the floor, just the act of getting down on the floor will pose a challenge for some individuals. Or if you have some problems where that's uncomfortable or something you'd rather not do, the massage gun, is easy to do, seated or lying down in bed. You can work your legs and your arms. Again, it's on the floor with the foam roller and it's not very aggressive because they're not very hard, although some are. But it's just hard to get an aggressive for example on your forearms if you've got tight muscles there. The massage gun in this case is probably the better option. Go ahead, Mike. Show them.

Mike: Yeah, if you just want to get a little more aggressive, you can just push down in there. Obviously, with the foam roller, you can push down harder to get more pressure, but it's a little easier just to use a massage gun if you're just working in this small area. If you're working legs, you sit on it, there's more weight on it. You can dig a little deeper, but the convenience of this is just a little better. Another dislike we have with them is they're not very portable, especially when you have a large one. I'm not going to haul the large one anywhere. They have shorter ones, which you can throw in your gym bag if you want. They are somewhat portable, but like we're talking about just massaging in general, which is the same idea a foam roller does, the massage guns are much more portable.

Brad: That's right. Okay. And the last part of foam rollers is for your muscles in your lower back lumbar area in particular, we do not recommend that. It's just too aggressive. Some people may be able to control it, but it's difficult. I do not like this at all on my back. I have lumbar spondylolisthesis and I stay away from it. Also, if you want to roll your neck, it just does not work very well. It's great on your thoracic spine around the scapula or the shoulder blades, but up by the neck, it just doesn't work.

Mike: So that all being said, there are some benefits to foam rolling and reasons we do like them or love them, I should say as the title mentions. They are fairly inexpensive compared to, say, a massage gun like we're talking about. They can range from $10 to $40.

Brad: Right. Just keep in mind there are different lengths. This is a longer one, and you can get the shorter 16 to 18-inch ones. We'll talk a little bit about the difference between the two.

Mike: Another thing to like about the foam roller is they're fairly easy to use as long as you're mobile enough and can get down on the floor. They don't have all the buttons and manuals that a massager would have.

Brad: All right. Another great thing about the foam rollers, it does large muscle areas at a time. For example, working the calf muscles.

Brad: You can do both at once. If you want to get more intense, you cross one leg over the other. And then you can easily roll up to the hamstring muscle group and you can roll to one side, get the IT band, and then continue to roll over and get the quadriceps so you're getting a complete leg massage. And go roll over and get the glutes too.

Mike: Am I a dog or what?

Brad: Yes. Just keep on rolling. It is nice. Again, if you're mobile enough to do this, it really is a nice option.

Mike: Some of the benefits of foam rolling include reduced muscle soreness, so this is more of a temporary thing, right when it happens. Hours later it's not going to be beneficial, but if you're a little sore, going to the gym, do a little foam rolling, loosen everything up, you're not going to be as sore.

Brad: Also, another added benefit is increased range of motion. When you get your muscles to relax, that's going to increase the range of motion at the joints, so it's great for that as well. And let's talk about circulation.

Mike: So it also increases circulation or blood flow to the area because it is a type of massaging technique. This helps improve nutrient delivery to that area through your blood and helps with waste removal, which kind of relates to helping with muscle soreness.

Brad: That's right. It all works together. One other thing, particularly about these long rollers is, I like these for working on your posture and mobilization of the spine. You simply lie on it, and I like to do this at the end of a workout where I'm relaxed, I let my shoulders go back, my head, draw back and just lay for a few minutes and relax.

Brad: This helps your posture, allows you to breathe very nicely, and finishes up a workout effectively. Okay. Another nice thing about this is some studies are showing that foam rolling when done appropriately can help benefit fibromyalgia in regards to pain relief. It's no guarantees you can try it and see if it works for you. The worst that can happen is it's not effective, but it's certainly worth a try. Anything else, Mike?

Mike: There are some other alternative things you can use as well if you don't have a foam roller and you want to try it, you could simply use a softball, lacrosse ball, or anything you can roll on. That's going to be a little more trigger point-oriented because it's a smaller surface versus a foam roller. But if you don't have one, and you want to try it, that's an alternative.

Brad: I love my foam roller. Would not go without. It's part of my routine and it's a personal thing. Mike.

Mike: I like them. I use them periodically, but sometimes I prefer the massage gun on certain muscle groups and I prefer the foam roller on others.

Brad: That's right. All right. Be careful.

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Bob and Brad also have a Podcast where we share your favorite episodes as well as interviews with health-related experts.

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Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material on this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced to help you make the best choice for you.



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