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When You Turn 50, 5 Exercises You BETTER Start NOW!

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in September of 2023. For the original video go to

Brad: When you turn 50 or older, you're going to want to do these exercises daily to help remedy neck pain, back pain, hip pain, knee pain, all the way down to the ankle.

Mike: We have five exercises that we're going to show you in a follow-along format that'll get your body moving better and feeling better. And we may even have a bonus.

Brad: A bonus. Yeah, a major bonus. All right, for this 30-second follow-along, first of all, glute strengthening. You're going to lie down like Mike is and work on bridging. You can do it on your bed, better on a carpeted floor. Hold it for two seconds down. You want to think about squeezing those glute muscles, those butt muscles together. While you're doing that, you can take your hands or fingertips and feel those muscles tighten up. You're going to do this for 30 seconds.

Mike: And this next stretch we're going to do is going to work for back pain on one side specifically, neck pain, and even shoulder pain. So what you're going to need is some sort of stick or mop handle, something tall. I'm using a Booyah Stik. You're going to reach up as high as you can comfortably with your palm facing away. And then you're going to lean into it. Hold it for 30 seconds. You can do a static hold like I am right now and just stay here. Or you can kind of rock back and forth depending upon how your body feels. It's going to open up a lot of different things.

Mike: And we're going to switch sides starting now. Make sure to work both sides. Brad, what do you have to add to this?

Brad: Well, if you're using a mop or a broom handle or a piece of doweling, sometimes you don't have anything it needs to stick on wherever you're at. So you can take a shoe, put it down, and put the end of it in there. And that gives it a nice option to get some grip in there. I really like this one. We can do it standing like I'm doing or seated like Mike is doing.

Mike: And we'll say that was 30 seconds. The next exercise is going to work your shoulders. I'm doing it on the ground and Brad is doing it up against a wall there. Notice that my thumbs are pointing up and I'm acting like I'm making a snow angel just with my arms. If you're on the floor, it's good to have bent knees and pillows behind you. Brad, what about the wall?

Brad: Make sure your butt, your shoulders, and your head are all contacting the wall. Go up as high as comfortable and back down. Make sure you breathe. Coming up on 30 seconds. Good deal.

Mike: Okay, the next stretch is going to work your shoulders a bit. It's called the pinky-up-the-wall stretch, or arms up the wall. So what I'm doing is putting my pinkies and my elbows on the wall, reaching up as high as I can comfortably, and coming back down. If this is hard with both arms at one time, you could certainly just do a single arm as well. Brad, what is this going to help people with?

Brad: Think about bringing the shoulders up at this point. So the shoulder blades elevate and we're gonna position those shoulder blades so that the shoulders work properly.

Mike: And 30 seconds already. Okay, now we're going to work on a calf stretch. You simply need a wall in front of you. And I am stretching my back leg here. Notice how it is pointing straight ahead. The more upright my posture and the more I lean towards the wall, the more stretch I feel in my calf itself. Brad, am I forgetting anything here?

Brad: Yes, you are, Mike, look at this foot. I want to emphasize you don't want your foot turned out. Make sure it's pointed ahead. Now, you can have a knee locked. Let's do the other leg and we'll clarify this.

Mike: We're going to switch legs here.

Brad: Now, the knee is fully extended. There we go. That gets the gastroc muscle. Do that for 15 seconds and then bend the knee and then do it again. Make sure the heel stays glued to the floor, which stretches a deeper muscle called the soleus. Very complete. It's a nice one to do. All you need is a wall, a floor, and some shoes.

Mike: That's all you need? Three, two, one.

Brad: We're done. But wait, Mike, there's more of the bonus, the prayer stretch.

Mike: So I am doing it in a kneeling position. Brad is doing it in a seated position. For me, I have my heels together and my knees out wider. And I'm just sitting down into this. I could push my hands more forward and get more of a stretch. It kind of works everything. We're going to sit here for 30 seconds. If this feels uncomfortable, you can certainly rock forward. Take a break and then come back into it. And Brad is doing it with a chair. And we got three seconds left and we're done.

Brad: All right, so that's three or four minutes of stretching. After you do it about five times, you'll have it memorized and it's something you'll want to do every day.

Mike: And if you want to check out more videos for seniors to stay active, you can check out this video here, " 3 Leg Exercises Seniors Should Do To Keep Their Legs Strong."

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